
0.1.1 • Public • Published

MIT license


The WorkerThread wraps a Web Worker with a Promise, also the class creates a worker script on the fly (without having to create separate worker files). You can "inline" your worker function in the same js file as main logic.

  • Wraps a Web Worker with a Promise.
  • You do not need to use separate js file for a Web Worker.
  • You can use function or string with code to create a Web Worker.
  • Will simulate a worker via timeout if Web Worker is not supported.
  • Allows to throw an Error in Worker scope, and catch it by Promise.

1. How to install

> npm install @cheprasov/worker-thread
import { ThreadFactory } from '@cheprasov/worker-thread';

2. Quick examples

Simple function for sum

import { ThreadFactory } from '@cheprasov/worker-thread';

const threadSumAB = ThreadFactory.createThread((a, b) => a + b);

threadSumAB.exec(2, 3).then((result) => {
    console.log('a + b =', result);
    // a + b = 5

const threadSumMulti = ThreadFactory.createThread((...args) => {
    return args.reduce((result, value) => result + value, 0);

threadSumMulti.exec(1, 2, 3, 4, 5).then((result) => {
    console.log('a1 + ... + aN =', result);
    // a1 + ... + aN = 15

Thread functions can return objects, arrays and so on

const threadDeepCopyObject = ThreadFactory.createThread(obj => obj);

const obj1 = { foo: 'bar', num: 42 };
threadDeepCopyObject.exec(obj1).then((copyObj) => {
    copyObj.foo = 'upd';
    console.log('Copy', copyObj, 'Orig', obj1);
    // Copy {foo: "upd", num: 42} Orig {foo: "bar", num: 42}

Several function in one thread

const threadMultiCmd = ThreadFactory.createThread((cmd, a, b) => {
    switch (cmd) {
        case 'sum': return a + b;
        case 'max': return Math.max(a, b);
        default: return null;

threadMultiCmd.exec('sum', 1, 2).then((result) => {
    console.log('Cmd: sum, a + b =', result);
    // Cmd: sum, a + b = 3

Errors. Thread allows to throw an Errors and catch it by Promise

const throwError = ThreadFactory.createThread((num) => {
    if (!num) {
        throw new Error('Some message');
    if (num === 42) {
        // the code works in DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope
        // see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope
        return self;
    return 1 / num;

const onError = (error) => {
    console.log(`${error.type}: ${error.message}`);

// Error: Some message

// DataCloneError: Failed to execute 'postMessage' on 'DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope': #<DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope> could not be cloned.

3. Documentation

Class ThreadFactory

It is a factory class for creating instances of WorkerThread, TimeoutThread, NoopTread.

static createThread(function, options): WorkerInterface

The method will creates an instance of WorkerThread if Web Worker is supported, otherwise it will create an instance of TimeoutThread if function setTimeout is supported, otherwise it will create an instance of NoopThread.

The method helps to run your code for wide range of browser by running workers code via timeout (TimeoutThread) if the browser does not support Web Workers.



import { ThreadFactory } from '@cheprasov/worker-thread';

const threadSum = ThreadFactory.createThread(
        (a, b) => a + b,
            importScripts: ['foo.js', 'bar.js'],
            onError: (error) => {
                // it will be error, because it can import specified scripts 
                console.log('Error', error);
static createWorkerThread(function | string, options): WorkerThread

The method creates an instance of WorkerThread without any checking for support. See method createThread for description of arguments.

static createTimeoutThread(function, options): TimeoutThread

The method creates an instance of TimeoutThread without any checking for support. See method createThread for description of arguments.

static createNoopThread(function, options): NoopThread

The method creates an instance of NoopThread without any checking for support. See method createThread for description of arguments.

Class WorkerThread

The WorkerThread wraps a Web Worker with a Promise, also the class creates a worker script on the fly (without having to create separate worker files). You can "inline" your worker function in the same js file as main logic.

See more https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Worker

static isSupported(): boolean

Method checks browser for support of WorkerThread

constructor(Function | string, options)

Also, please see ThreadFactory.


exec(...args): Promise

The methods executes worker's function and passes arguments to it, and returns of Promise, which will be resolved when the function is finished.

close(): Promise

The method of the DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope interface discards any tasks queued in the DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope's event loop, effectively closing this particular scope.

terminate(): void

The method immediately terminates the Worker. This does not offer the worker an opportunity to finish its operations; it is simply stopped at once.


import { WorkerThread } from '@cheprasov/worker-thread';

const threadSum = new WorkerThread((a, b) => a + b);

threadSum.exec(2, 3).then((result) => {
    console.log('a + b =', result);
    // a + b = 5

Class TimeoutThread

The TimeoutThread emulates WorkerThread via using setTimeout function.

See more https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/WindowOrWorkerGlobalScope/setTimeout

static isSupported(): boolean

Method checks browser for support of TimeoutThread


Also, please see ThreadFactory.


  • function - the function that will be used.
exec(...args): Promise

The methods executes work function and passes arguments to it, and returns of Promise, which will be resolved when the function is finished.

close(): Promise

The method immediately stops the work function. This does not offer an opportunity to finish its operations.

terminate(): void

The same like method close(), but without a Promise


import { TimeoutThread } from '@cheprasov/worker-thread';

const threadSum = new TimeoutThread((a, b) => a + b);

threadSum.exec(2, 3).then((result) => {
    console.log('a + b =', result);
    // a + b = 5

Class NoopThread

The NoopThread is a stub and it does nothing.

static isSupported(): boolean

Always return true;

exec(...args): Promise
close(): Promise
terminate(): void

The methods do nothing.

Error class WorkerError

All thrown error in Web Worker's code will be returned to a Promise like instance of WorkerError.

The error has type, message and data.

const threadError = ThreadFactory.createThread((num) => {
    if (!num) {
        throw new Error('Some message');
    if (num === 42) {
        // the code works in DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope
        // see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope
        return self;
    return 1 / num;

const onError = (error) => {
    console.log(`${error.type}: ${error.message}`);

// Error: Some message

// DataCloneError: Failed to execute 'postMessage' on 'DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope': #<DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope> could not be cloned.

Something does not work

Feel free to fork project, fix bugs, tests and finally request for pull

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  • cheprasov