TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

1.0.3 • Public • Published


React chess piece component

Individual pieces are automatically generated by downloading and converting the Wikimedia Commons SVG chess pieces.


  • Consistent and neutral look and feel
  • Customizable size and colors
  • Compatible with IE11, modern browsers, and Node.js (for server-side rendering).
  • Built-in Typescript type definitions
  • All SVG attributes and the ref prop are forwarded to the <svg> element


Installation and usage

$ npm install @chessire/pieces
import { Piece } from "@chessire/pieces"; // Default import also works

export const BlackKnight = () => <Piece color="black" piece="N" width={64} />;


/** Piece color */
color: "white" | "black";
/** Piece type */
piece: "K" | "Q" | "R" | "B" | "N" | "P";
/** Fill color. Defaults to "white" for white pieces and "black" for black pieces. */
fillColor?: string;
/** Contour color. Defaults to "black" for white pieces and "white" for black pieces. */
strokeColor?: string;

All other properties (including, notably, width, height, and ref) are forwarded to the <svg> element.


Clone the repo, npm install, make your changes, and send a pull request. But please note in advance that I am not interested in adding fairy chess pieces as of yet. npm run generate downloads and regenerates the graphics in src/pieces.tsx but because the script makes a lot of assumptions, the process should not be considered fully automatic. So please make sure to run npm run storyboard to visually inspect each piece.

Also please respect the formatting (with prettier) and linting (with eslint) rules. There are git hooks in place to facilitate this.

Authors or Acknowledgments


This package is licensed under the MIT License.

The original graphics are available under multiple licenses. They are used under the 3-clause BSD license in this package. Please see the original license.

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npm i @chessire/pieces

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  • cyco130