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Let your CodeceptJS tests talk to databases

This is a Helper for CodeceptJS that allows you to execute queries or commands to databases using database-js. That is, your tests written for CodeceptJS now will be able to access databases easily. It is especially useful for preparing databases before/after executing test cases.

👉 It works with CodeceptJS 1, 2, and 3.


You have to install the library and the desired database drivers

Step 1 of 2: Install the helper

npm i -D codeceptjs-dbhelper

Step 2 of 2: Install a database driver

Driver (wrapper) Note Installation command
ActiveX Data Objects Windows only npm i -D database-js-adodb
CSV files npm i -D database-js-csv
Excel files npm i -D database-js-xlsx
Firebase npm i -D database-js-firebase
INI files npm i -D database-js-ini
JSON files npm i -D database-js-json
MySQL npm i -D database-js-mysql
MS SQL Server npm i -D database-js-mssql
PostgreSQL npm i -D database-js-postgres
SQLite npm i -D database-js-sqlite

See database-js for the full list of available drivers.


In your CodeceptJS configuration file (e.g., codecept.conf.js, codecept.json), include DbHelper in the property helpers :

  "helpers": {
    "DbHelper": {
      "require": "./node_modules/codeceptjs-dbhelper"


Syntax differences between CodeceptJS 2 and CodeceptJS 3

In CodeceptJS 2, your callbacks receive I as argument:

Scenario('test something', async ( I ) => {   // CodeceptJS 2 notation
   /* ... */
} );

In CodeceptJS 3, your callbacks receive an object with I - that is, { I }:

Scenario('test something', async ( { I } ) => {   // CodeceptJS 3 notation
   /* ... */
} );

See the CodeceptJS docs for more information on how to upgrade your codebase.


The following examples are written with CodeceptJS 3.

Now the object I (of your callbacks) has new methods.

Example 1

BeforeSuite( async( { I } ) => {
    // Connects to a database
    // The first parameter is the key that will hold a reference to the database
    I.connect( "testdb", "mysql://root:mypassword@localhost:3306/testdb" );
} );

AfterSuite( async( { I } ) => {
    // Disconnects and removes the reference to the database
    await I.removeConnection( "testdb" );
} );

Before( async( { I } ) => {

  // Deletes all the records from the table 'user'
  await "testdb", "DELETE FROM user" );

  // Inserting some users
  await "testdb", "INSERT INTO user ( username, password ) VALUES ( ?, ? )", "admin", "123456" );
  await "testdb", "INSERT INTO user ( username, password ) VALUES ( ?, ? )", "bob", "654321" );
  await "testdb", "INSERT INTO user ( username, password ) VALUES ( ?, ? )", "alice", "4lic3p4s$" );
} );

// ... your feature ...

// ... your scenarios ...

Example 2

Feature( 'Foo' );

Scenario( 'Bar', async( { I } ) => {

    // Queries a user from the database
    const results = await I.query( "testdb", "SELECT username, password FROM user WHERE username = ?", "bob" );
    const user = results[ 0 ]; // object in the first row

    I.amOnPage( '/login' );
    I.fillField( '#username', user.username ); // bob
    I.fillField( '#password', user.password ); // 654321 '#ok' );
    I.see( 'Welcome' );
} );


 * Connects to the database described by the given connection string.
 * @param {string|number}    key    Identification for using in other commands.
 * @param {string|object}    conn   JDBC-like connection string or a connection object accepted by `database-js`.
 * @param {object|undefined} driver [OPTIONAL] Driver object, used by `database-js`.
connect( key, conn, driver );

 * Disconnects from the database identified by the given key.
 * @param {string|number} key Database identification key set in connect()
async disconnect( key );

 * Disconnects and removes the database connection identified by the given key.
 * @param {string|number} key Database identification key set in connect()
async removeConnection( key );

 * Performs a query.
 * @param {string|number} key     Database identification key set in connect()
 * @param {string}        command Query to run.
 * @param {any[]}         params  [OPTIONAL] Query parameters
 * @returns {Promise<any[]>}      Query results.
async query( key, command, ... params );

 * Executes a command.
 * @param {string|number} key     Database identification key set in connect()
 * @param {string}        command Command to run.
 * @param {any[]}         params  [OPTIONAL] Command parameters
 * @returns {Promise<any[]>}      Command results.
async run( key, command, ... params );

See also

codeceptjs-cmdhelper - Execute commands in the console/terminal


MIT © Thiago Delgado Pinto

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  • thiagodp