
2.4.17 • Public • Published


Flexible lightweight orm framework, supports Structure Mirroring.


  1. Organize your model/table definition in one place.
  2. Structure Mirroring feature, you can create multiple databases with same structure dynamically.
  3. Create/Migrate databases automatically for you, you don't need to write a single line of SQL
  4. Whenever you update your model, run em migrate NAME in your project folder, a SQL file will be created accordingly, you can customize it, late on it will be applied to all databases smartly
  5. You can spawn or new a new EmmoModel instance to connect to other Data Server or hold different Model set.
  6. Data output from Database will be converted to proper type automatically.
  7. Provide a very convenience way to accept input data from User.
  8. Provide multiple styles to manipulate databases.
  9. Support Incremental Update: User.update({ 'age': em.o('age').plus(10) })
  10. Support Auto Join: User.all({ field: [ '*', { department: 'Department.title' } ], join: 'Department' })
  11. Support GroupBy/Having/Order/Offset/Limit/Pagination!


Install emmo-model-cli to help you generate necessary files

$ sudo npm install emmo-model-cli -g

Enter your project folder and install emmo-model and database connector(only pg available currently)

cd myproject
$ npm install emmo-model --save
$ npm install pg --save
$ em init

That would create em.json file, models/ and migrations/ folders in myproject/

Sync database structure:

$ em sync

Rebase current model definition into database, this is useful when adapting to a legacy database, you can run this command whenever model definitions are created accordingly:

$ em rebase


Step 1: Define models

Assume we have users in our system. myproject/models/user.js

var em = require('emmo-model');
var User = module.exports = em.define('User', {
  id: { type: 'bigint', autoIncrement: true, primaryKey: true }, // bigserial(postgres)
  account: { type: 'string', length: 50, allowNull: false, unique: true }, // varchar(50)
  passwordHash: { type: 'string', length: 50, input: false },
  firstName: { type: 'string', length: 50 },
  lastName: { type: 'string', length: 50 },
  email: { type: 'string', isEmail: true, message: 'Please enter valid email' },
  age: { type: 'int' },
  rank: { type: 'int' },
  remark: { type: 'string', defaultValue: "'text value should be quoted'" },
  createdAt: { type: 'timestamptz', defaultValue: 'now()', input: false } // timestamptz
}, { tableName: 'Users' });

Assume we need a role base access control machanism. myproject/models/role.js

var em = require('emmo-model');
var Role = module.exports = em.define('Role', {
  id: { type: 'int', autoIncrement: true, primaryKey: true },
  name: { type: 'string', length: 50, allowNull: false },
  permissions: { type: 'json' }

Then we need to make a Many-To-Mary relationship between user and role. myproject/models/user-role.js

var em = require('emmo-model');
var UserRole = module.exports = em.define('UserRole' {
  userId: { type: 'bigint', refer: 'User', allowNull: false, onDelete: 'CASCADE', primaryKey: true }, 
  roleId: { type: 'int', refer: 'Role', allowNull: false, onDelete: 'CASCADE', primaryKey: true }, 
  disabled: { type: 'boolean' }

Assume we need to log down who and when created/disabled the UserRole relationship. myproject/models/user-role-log.js

var em = require('emmo-model');
var UserRoleLog = module.exports = em.define('UserRoleLog', {
  id: { type: 'bigint', autoIncrement: true, primaryKey: true },
  userId: { type: 'bigint', refer: 'UserRole', allowNull: false, onDelete: 'CASCADE' },
  roleId: { type: 'int', refer: 'UserRole', allowNull: false, onDelete: 'CASCADE' },
  operator: { type: 'string', length: 50 },
  operation: { type: 'string' },
  createdAt: { type: 'timestamptz', defaultValue: 'now()' }

Here we refer to a composite primary key, emmo-model assumes that all columns refer same table are a composite foreign key

Assume we need to track down user's relationship myproject/models/relation.js

var em = require('emmo-model');
var Relation = module.exports = em.define('Relation', {
  userId: { type: 'bigint', refer: 'User', composite: 'FK_User_Relation_userId', onDelete: 'CASCADE', allowNull: false }, 
  relativeId: { type: 'bigint', refer: 'User', referName: true, onDelete: 'CASCADE', allowNull: false } 
  description: { type: 'string', length: 50 }

As you can see, referName is critical for tell whether it's a part of a composite key or not either assign true to tell it's not a composite key or specify same referName for group of columns to tell they are refering same composite primary key.

Step 2: Bootstrap

Modify myproject/bin/www to bootstrap emmo-model before server start.

var em = require('emmo-model');
em.sync().then(function() {

sync method will CREATE or MIGRATE database automatically.

Step 3: Here you go


Suggested Easy Way

var em = require('emmo-model');
var User = require('../models/user.js');
route.get('/', em.mount( req => User.all({ size:20, page: req.query.page }) ))
route.post('/', em.mount( req => User.input({ data: req.body, method: 'insert', before: user => user.passwordHash = ... }) ));
route.get('/:id', em.mount( req => User.find(req.params.id) ));
route.put('/:id', em.mount( req => User.input({ data: req.body, method: 'update' }) ));
route.delete('/:id', em.mount( req => User.delete({ id: req.params.id }) ));

Low Level Way:

var _ = require('lodash');
route.get('/', function(req, res) {
  em.scope('db1', function(db) {
    return db.all('User', { 
      field: [ 'id', 'nick', 'age' ],
      where: { departmentId: em.lt(100) }, 
      order: { id : 'DESC' },
      limit: 20,
      offset: (req.query.page - 1) * 20
  }).then(function(users) {
route.post('/', function(req, res) {
  em.scope('db1', function(db) {
    return db.insert('User', req.body);
  }).then(function(user) {
    res.json({ insertedId: user.id });
route.put('/:id', function(req, res) {
  em.scope('db1', function(db) {
    return db.update('User', req.body);
  }).then(function(affectedRows) {
    res.json({ updatedFields: _.keys(req.body) });
route.delete('/:id', function(req, res) {
  em.scope('db1', function(db) {
    return db.delete('User', { id: req.params.id });
  }).then(function(affectedRows) {
    res.json({ affectedRows: affectedRows });

Check out Session to know more about operation methods


Check out emmo-model for more document.


Enter your project folder which had emmo-model installed then you can generate migration

cd myproject
$ em migrate MIGRATION_NAME

You can specify configuration file by --config like:

$ em migration MIGRATION_NAME --config em.dev.json

That will create a migration sql script file smartly for you, but you can still do some customization(like convert data of some sort). and then, you can either migrate your databases during app boostrap automatically, or run following command to migrate databases immediately:

$ em sync

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npm i emmo-model

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