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Next JS Implementation

Install latest Next JS version

npx create-next-app@latest

For the demonstration we used the following values:

Image 1

Install littlefish npm package

npm install littlefish-nft-auth-framework

In your app directory create a “providers.jsx” file.

Image 2

"use client"
import { WalletProvider} from 'littlefish-nft-auth-framework';

export default function Providers({children}) {
  return (

In your “app/layout.tsx” file import the Providers and wrap your {children} around the wallet provider.

Image 3

Now you are ready to use the package.

React App Implementation

Create a React project.

npx create-react-app <YOUR-APP-NAME>

Then, install littlefish-nft-auth-framework package.

npm install littlefish-nft-auth-framework

After installing the package, go to src/ directory and index.js file and add the provider like this:

import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom/client';
import './index.css';
import App from './App';
import reportWebVitals from './reportWebVitals';
import { WalletProvider } from 'littlefish-nft-auth-framework';

const root = ReactDOM.createRoot(document.getElementById('root'));
      <App />


Now you are ready to use the package.

Returned Values and Function Descriptions


  • useWallet()
    • Returns: An object containing:
      • isConnected (boolean): Indicates if a wallet is currently connected.
      • wallets (Array<string>): List of detected wallet identifiers.
      • connectedWalletId (string|null): Identifier of the currently connected wallet.
      • assets (Array<Array<string, string, number>>): Decoded assets from the connected wallet, each represented as [policyID, assetName, amount].

Provider Component

  • WalletProvider
    • Purpose: Provides wallet context to all child components in the application, allowing them access to wallet data and functions.

Utility Functions

  • connectWallet(walletName: string)

    • Returns: Promise<void>
    • Description: Attempts to connect to the specified wallet and updates the context with wallet details if successful. The function is asynchronous and resolves without returning any specific data.
  • disconnectWallet()

    • Returns: void
    • Description: Resets connection-related state variables to reflect no active wallet connection. Does not return any data.
  • decodeHexToAscii(processedArray: Array)

    • Returns: Array<Array<string>>
    • Description: Converts hex-encoded assetName strings within the processed array into ASCII strings. Returns an array with elements formatted as [policyID, assetName, amount].

Example Usage

The only difference between NextJS and React App usage is, when using NextJS, you need to use "use client" on the beginning of the pages you want to use littlefish-nft-auth-framework package.

First you need to import the useWallet hook to your component.

import { useWallet } from "littlefish-nft-auth-framework";

Use the 'useWallet()' hook inside your component to get access to several properties and methods such as isConnected, wallets, assets, and functions like connectWallet, 00disconnectWallet**, and decodeHexToAscii.

const {
} = useWallet();

Wallet Connect

Here is an example of connecting wallet. The wallets array will be displayed to give the user the option which wallet they want to connect., index) => (
  <a key={index} onClick={() => connectWallet(wallet)}>{wallet}</a>

After the wallet connection, these will be updated:

  • isConnected: It will be True
  • assets: If there are any assets in the wallet, this will be an array of arrays.

Wallet Disconnect

In order to disconnect wallet:

<a onClick={() => disconnectWallet()}>Disconnect Wallet</a>

This action will update:

  • isConnected to False.
  • assets to an empty array.

Displaying Assets

In order to display asset information and use decodeHexToAscii function, we initialized these states:

const [walletAssets, setWalletAssets] = useState("");
const [isHex, setIsHex] = useState(true);

useEffect(() => {
  setWalletAssets(assets || []);
}, [assets]);

Here is how the decodeHexToAscii function updates walletAssets state:

{isHex ? 
  <a onClick={() => {setWalletAssets(decodeHexToAscii(walletAssets)); setIsHex(false)}}>Decode Hex to Ascii</a> : 
  <a onClick={() => {setWalletAssets(assets); setIsHex(true)}}>Show Hex</a>

Displaying the assets:, index) => (
  <pre key={index}>PolicyID: {item[0]}, Name: {item[1]}, Amount: {item[2]}</pre>

Package Sidebar


npm i littlefish-nft-auth-framework

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  • littlefish-foundation