Swap Array
Swap position of two items in array without changing the state of the passed array.
$ npm install swap-array --save
// Import with ES6; // Import with ES5var SwapArray = default; var SomeArray = 'thats''cool''dude'; ;// returns:// ['dude','thats','cool']; // and 'SomeArray' is still:// ['thats','cool','dude'];
Does it change the passed array?
Nope, before it changes the positioning we clone the passed array and return just the new instance. Ideal for e.g. some redux-reducer where it's not allowed to change an existing state. If you want that the origin-array changes his state checkout the array-swap repo from Marko Jankovic.
1,149,543 op/s
// Run and Watch tests
$ npm run test -- -w
// Just run tests
$ npm run test
// Create new build
$ npm run build
// Run benchmark
$ npm run bench