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Immutable HashMap for TypeScript

A fast and persistent (immutable) Hash Array Map Trie for TypeScript.

This is heavily based off of the deprecated @typed/hashmap, which in turn was based off of hamt. Although having a different API, it can be used as an alternative to Immutable's Map.


  • keys can be of any type, including objects or arrays, much like ES2015 Maps
  • all pieces of functionality are implemented as separate functions, with zero usage of prototypes, and can be imported/required independently of one another
  • zero dependencies


All methods and classes can be imported separately as follows:

import { fromObject } from 'typed-immutable-map/dist/HashMap/from';
import { get } from 'typed-immutable-map/dist/HashMap/get';
const { fromObject } = require('typed-immutable-map/dist/HashMap/from');
const { get } = require('typed-immutable-map/dist/HashMap/get');

Creating a HashMap

empty<K, V>(): HashMap<K, V>

Creates an empty HashMap that will accept type K as keys and V as values.

import { empty } from 'typed-immutable-map';

const map = empty<string, number>();

fromObject<V>(object: { [key: string]: V }): HashMap<K, V>

Creates a HashMap from an object.

import { fromObject } from 'typed-immutable-map';

const map = fromObject<number>({ a: 1, b: 2 });

fromArray<K, V>(array: Array<[K, V]>): HashMap<K, V>

Creates a HashMap from an array of tuples.

import { fromArray } from 'typed-immutable-map';

const map = fromArray<string, number>([ ['a', 1], ['b', 2] ]);

fromIterable<K, V>(iterable: Iterable<[K, V]>): HashMap<K, V>

Creates a HashMap from an Iterable.

Warning: this method using Array.from internally, and will require a polyfill if not in an environment that supports this feature.

import { fromIterable } from 'typed-immutable-map';

const map = fromIterable(someIterable);

Using a HashMap

set<K, V>(key: K, value: V, map: HashMap<K, V>): HashMap<K, V>

Returns a new HashMap containing the key and value passed to set. This operation is immutable and will not alter the map passed to it.

import { set, get, empty } from 'typed-immutable-map';

const map = empty<string, number>();

const a = set('a', 1, map);

console.log(get('a', a)) // 1

get<K, V>(key: K, map: HashMap<K, V>): V | undefined

Attempts to find a value in a given HashMap. Returns undefined if none can be found.

import { set, get, empty } from 'typed-immutable-map';

const map = empty<string, number>();

const a = set('a', 1, map);

console.log(get('a', a)) // 1

has<K, V>(key: K, map: HashMap<K, V>): boolean

Returns true if a map contains a particular key and false if it does not.

import { empty, has, set } from 'typed-immutable-map';

let map = empty<string, number>();
map = set('a', 1, map);
has('a', map) // true

size<K, V>(map: HashMap<K, V>): number

Returns the number of key value pairs a given map contains

import { size, empty, fromObject } from 'typed-immutable-map';

size(empty()) // 0
size(fromObject({ a: 1, b: 2 })) // 2

remove<K, V>(key: K, map: HashMap<K, V>): HashMap<K ,V>

Returns a HashMap that no longer contains a value for key.

import { remove, fromObject, has } from 'typed-immutable-map';

const map = fromObject({ a: 1, b: 2, c: 3})

has('b', map) // true
has('b', remove('b', map)) // false

entries<K, V>(map: HashMap<K, V>): Iterator<[K, V]>

Guaranteeing no order creates an iterator of keys and values held within a given HashMap.

import { entries, fromObject } from 'typed-immutable-map';

const map = fromObject({ a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 })

for (let entry of entries(map)) {
  console.log(entry) // ['a', 1] ['b', 2] ['c' 3]

// manually using iterator

const iterator = entries(map)

console.log(iterator.next().value) // ['a', 1]
console.log(iterator.next().value) // ['c', 3]
console.log(iterator.next().value) // ['b', 2]
console.log(iterator.next().value) // null

keys<K, V>(map: HashMap<K, V>): Iterator<K>

Guaranteeing no order creates an iterator of keys held within a given HashMap.

import { keys, fromArray } from 'typed-immutable-map';

const map = fromArray([ ['a', 1], ['b', 2], ['c', 3] ])

const iterator = keys(map)

console.log(iterator.next().value) // 'a'
console.log(iterator.next().value) // 'b'
console.log(iterator.next().value) // 'c'
console.log(iterator.next().value) // null

values<K, V>(map: HashMap<K, V>): Iterator<V>

Guaranteeing no order creates an iterator of keys held within a given HashMap.

import { keys, fromArray } from 'typed-immutable-map';

const map = fromArray([ ['a', 1], ['b', 2], ['c', 3] ])

const iterator = keys(map)

console.log(iterator.next().value) // 1
console.log(iterator.next().value) // 2
console.log(iterator.next().value) // 3
console.log(iterator.next().value) // null

reduce<K, V, R>(f: (accum: R, value: V, key?: K) => R, seed: R, map: HashMap<K, V>): R

Fold over the values held in a HashMap, similar to Array.prototype.reduce.

import { reduce, fromIterable } from 'typed-immutable-map';

const iterable = new Map([ [1, 1], [2, 2], [3, 3] ]);

const map = fromIterable(iterable);

const sum = (x: number, y: number) => x + y;

console.log(reduce(sum, 0, map)) // 6

forEach<K, V>(f: (value: V, key?: K) => any, map: HashMap<K, V>): HashMap<K, V>

Perform side effects on each value contained in a HashMap, returning the original HashMap.

import { forEach, fromObject } from 'typed-immutable-map';

const map = fromObject({ a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 })

const map2 = forEach(x => console.log(x), map) // 1, 2, 3

map === map2 // true

map<K, V, R>(f: (value: V, key?: K) => R, map: HashMap<K, V>): HashMap<K, R>;

Creates a new HashMap of the same keys, but new values as the result of calling the provided function on each value contained in the given HashMap, similar to Array.prototype.map.

import { map, forEach, fromObject } from 'typed-immutable-map';

const a = map(x => x + 1, fromObject({ a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 }))

forEach((value, key) => console.log(value, key), a) // 'a' 2 , 'b' 3, 'c' 4

filter<K, V>(predicate: (value: V, key?: K) => boolean, map: HashMap<K, V>): HashMap<K, V>

Creates a new HashMap containing only values that return true when the predicate function is called with a given value, similar to Array.prototype.filter.

import { filter, forEach, fromObject } from 'typed-immutable-map';

const a = filter(x => x % 2 === 0, fromObject({ a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 }))

forEach((value, key) => console.log(value, key), a) // 'b' 2

toObject<K, V>(map: HashMap<K, V>): Record<K, V>

Converts the map to a plain old object.

import { toObject, fromObject } from 'typed-immutable-map';

const map = fromObject({ a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 });
const obj = toObject(map);  // { a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 }

If K extends string | number | symbol, the returned object will be typed Record<K, V>. Otherwise, it will be typed Record<string, V>.

The full signature for this function is as follows:

export interface ToObjectFn {
  <K extends string | number | symbol, V>(map: HashMap<K, V>): Record<K, V>;
  <K, V>(map: HashMap<K, V>): Record<string, V>;

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  • jacoscaz