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203 packages found
Tiny local JSON database for Node, Electron and the browser
Auto mock all localstorage and sessionstorage APIs for your Jest tests
🗄️ React hooks for accessing localStorage and sessionStorage, with syncing and prefix support. The complete package.
remoteStorage is a simple library that combines the localStorage API with a remote server to persist data across browsers and devices.
- localStorage
- local storage
- remoteStorage
- remote storage
- local
- remote
- storage
- Javascript
- feature flags
- user flags
- browser
- device
- web
Easily store objects or any type of data to localStorage or sessionStorage.
- localStorage
- sessionStorage
- getLocal
- setLocal
- getSession
- setSession
- browser
- sync
- storage
- clearLocal
- clearSession
CommonJS version of lowdb 7.0.1. See
Tiny local JSON database for Node, Electron and the browser; build for ESM and CommonJS and UMD
Tiny local JSON database for Node, Electron and the browser
Simple, observable & cookie-persisted media-query store
Helper functions for local storage (available space analysis, read operations, write operations, etc.)
A little way to control Cookies, LocalStorage and SessionStorage without tears
- cookie
- cookies
- browser
- localstorage
- sessionstorage
- client
- js-cookie
- storage
- manager
- localStorage
- sessionStorage
File system in browser using localStorage.
Asynchronous key-value pair local storage with indexed-db.
- localStorage
- indexedDB
- event
- db
- browser
- local
- database
- storage
- asynchronous
- frontend
- cache
- config
- configuration
- scoped
Node.js localstorage for KVS.
Basic but commonly used extensions
A small library for extending existing JavaScript
localStorage wrapper for CRUD operations
⚡ A persistent state management library for React. Create your own hooks that share data across components
- react
- store
- hook
- functional
- redux
- typed
- typescript
- localstorage
- sessionstorage
- browser
- state
- reactive
- event
- emitter
Lite&easy database for browsers based on localStorage.
Simple but easy to use publisher/subscriber class