Search results
307 packages found
Moleculer service to store entities in database
Generate openapi scheme for moleculer
MongoDB native adapter for Moleculer DB service.
decorators for moleculer
An API GateWay service for Moleculer using Socket.IO
ScyllaDB adapter for Moleculer DB service.
Mongoose adapter for Moleculer DB service
SQL adapter (Postgres, MySQL, SQLite & MSSQL) for Moleculer DB service
Advanced Database Access Service for Moleculer microservices framework
Reliable messages for Moleculer services
A fast and stable microservice framework, mostly compatible with senecas user API
- micro
- wizard
- microservice
- microservices
- seneca
- moleculer
- cote
- framework
- scalable
- distributed
- service
- rpc
- WizardTales
tydids-ssi-consent-router is a lightweight, SSI-based consent management solution. It acts as a proxy between web forms and backend systems, ensuring compliance with GDPR data privacy regulations. The router stores consent data, including SSI IDs and payl
Postgis mixin and functions for @moleculer/database
A database tool for providing the database session as part of the context
STROMDAO Energy Application Framework - Referenzimplementierung für dynamische Stromtarife
Official API Gateway service for Moleculer framework
Wrapper around biip-auth-api for managing users & tenants
Moleculer connect from CLI
CouchDB Nano adapter for Moleculer DB service.