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creditcards-types tests

Card type definitions in JavaScript modules

This library powers creditcards, a higher level tool for parsing/formatting/validating card data. This repository focuses on tests and documentation. Card types are primarily represented by static values and regular expressions.

Card Types

  • Visa
  • Mastercard
  • American Express
  • Diners Club
  • Discover
  • JCB
  • UnionPay
  • Maestro
  • Forbrugsforeningen
  • Dankort
  • Troy
  • Elo
  • Mir
  • UATP

Visa Electron cards will validate and match as regular Visa cards.

Card data can be required individually by type. The main module includes all defined card types. You may want to select specific cards that your customers will use to save bytes or avoid confusion.

Co-Branded Cards

The main types in this library have unique patterns that map to major card networks. In some locales, companies issue co-branded with other card networks within the major partner's BIN range. This library includes these types as modules but does not include co-branded types in the main export. Custom types include:

  • Mada
  • Meeza

Similar to using custom types, you can prepend optional types to the main list. Cards that previously matched as a major issuer will instead match the custom type if applicable.

var types = [ require('creditcards-types/types/mada') ].concat(require('creditcards-types'))

Open an issue or a PR if you'd like to contribute documentation/code for a type that's missing.

Test Card Numbers

Some processors (e.g. Stripe) support fake card numbers used for testing payments. In some cases, these test card numbers do not fall within the actual issuing range. For example, 6011 1111 1111 1117 is provided as a Discover test card, but falls outside of the documented range. If you need to match these cards, you'll need to handle them outside this library or add a custom type.


npm install --save creditcards-types


// finding
var types = require('creditcards-types')
var type = types.find(type => type.test('4', true))
// => Visa

// specific types
var visa = require('creditcards-types/types/visa')
visa.test('4242424242424242') // true

// creating custom types
var Type = require('creditcards-types/type')
var myCard = Type({
  name: 'My Card',
  pattern: /^999\d{13}$/
  eagerPattern: /^999/,
  luhn: false

var myTypes = types.concat(myCard) // myCard gets lowest priority


new Type(data) -> type

Creates a new card type.

var Type = require('creditcards-types/type')
var type = Type(data)

Type: object

The type configuration, containing the following properties:

  • pattern
    • description: A regular expression for validating a full card number.
    • required: true
    • type: regexp
  • eagerPattern
    • description: A regular expression for guessing the card type from a partial number.
    • required: true
    • type: regexp
  • groupPattern
    • description: A regular expression for separating the card number into formatting. groups
    • type: regexp
    • default: /(\d{1,4})(\d{1,4})?(\d{1,4})?(\d{1,4})?/
  • cvcLength
    • description: The length of the CVC expected for the card type.
    • type: number
    • default: 3
  • luhn
    • description: Setting for whether the card should pass a Luhn check. Not used internally, purely informational.
    • type: boolean
    • default: true

type.test(number, [eager]) -> boolean

Check whether a card number matches the type.


Type: string

The card number to test.


Type: Boolean
Default: false

When false, the full card pattern is used. When true, the eager pattern is tested instead.

var visa = require('creditcards-types/types/visa')

// Strict type validation
visa.test('4242424242424242') // => true

// Eager type checking
visa.test('42', true) // => true -> array[string]

Separates the card number into formatting groups.


Type: string

The card number to group. This may be a complete or partial card number. Any digits past the type's maximum length will be discarded.


This repository is designed to support a large volume of automated testing. There are two types of tests.

Regression tests (~100)

Traditional regression tests are included in the test/ folder. These tests describe the regular expressions and make assertions about a few possible card patterns. Each type tests checks that expedcted eager matches for that type do not also match another card type. There's also a coverage check that will fail the test run if any type module is missing an identically named test file.

Fuzz tests (~12,500)

As an additional check, npm test downloads range data from binlist. The binlist tests:

  • Check the BIN range start and end to make sure they are an eager match for their corresponding type
  • Generate a random card number matching the maximum length for that type
  • Strictly test the generated number against the type

This data is not guaranteed to be accurate but provides a valuable external check against the validity of the type definitions with far more assertions than could ever be written by hand.


MIT © Ben Drucker



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  • bendrucker