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3.12.0 • Public • Published


The @visx/responsive package is here to help you make responsive graphs by providing a collection of hooks, enhancers and components.


npm install --save @visx/responsive



If you would like your graph to adapt to the screen size, you can use the useScreenSize() hook. It returns current screen width and height and updates the value automatically on browser window resize. You can optionally pass a config object as an argument to the hook. Config object attributes are:

  • initialSize - initial size before measuring the screen, defaults to { width: 0, height: 0 }.
  • debounceTime - determines how often the size is updated in milliseconds, defaults to 300.
  • enableDebounceLeadingCall - determines whether the size is updated immediately on first render, defaults to true. This is essentially the value of options.leading in Lodash's debounce.


import { useScreenSize } from '@visx/responsive';

const ChartToRender = () => {
  const { width, height } = useScreenSize({ debounceTime: 150 });

  return (
    <svg width={width} height={height}>
      {/* content */}

const chartToRender = <ChartToRender myProp="string" />;


If you want your graph to adapt to its parent size, you can use useParentSize() hook. <ParentSize> uses this hook internally. The hook returns width, height, left, top properties which describe dimensions of the container which received parentRef ref. You can optionally pass a config object as an argument to the hook. Config object attributes are:

  • initialSize - initial size before measuring the parent, defaults to { width: 0, height: 0, left: 0, top: 0 }.
  • debounceTime - determines how often the size is updated in miliseconds, defaults to 300.
  • enableDebounceLeadingCall - determines whether the size is updated immediately on first render, defaults to true. This is essentially the value of options.leading in Lodash's debounce.
  • ignoreDimensions - array of dimensions for which an update should be skipped. For example, if you pass ['width'], width changes of the component that received parentRef won't be propagated. Defaults to [] (all dimensions changes trigger updates).


import { useParentSize } from '@visx/responsive';

const ChartToRender = () => {
  const { parentRef, width, height } = useParentSize({ debounceTime: 150 });

  return (
    <div ref={parentRef}>
      <svg width={width} height={height}>
        {/* content */}

const chartToRender = <ChartToRender myProp="string" />;

Enhancers / (HOCs)


If you prefer to use an enhancer, you can use the withScreenSize(). The resulting component will pass screenWidth and screenHeight props to the wrapped component containing the respective screen dimensions. You can also optionally pass config props to the wrapped component:

  • debounceTime - determines how often the size is updated in milliseconds, defaults to 300.
  • windowResizeDebounceTime - deprecated, equivalent to the above, kept for backwards compatibility
  • enableDebounceLeadingCall - determines whether the size is updated immediately on first render, defaults to true. This is essentially the value of options.leading in Lodash's debounce.


import { withScreenSize, WithScreenSizeProvidedProps } from '@visx/responsive';

interface Props extends WithScreenSizeProvidedProps {
  myProp: string;

const MySuperCoolVisxChart = ({ myProp, screenWidth, screenHeight }: Props) => {
  // ...

const ChartToRender = withScreenSize(MySuperCoolVisxChart);

const chartToRender = <ChartToRender myProp="string" />;


If you prefer to use an enhancer to adapt your graph to its parent component's size, you can use withParentSize(). The resulting component will pass parentWidth and parentHeight props to the wrapped component containing the respective parent's dimensions. You can also optionally pass config props to the wrapped component:

  • initialWidth - initial chart width used before the parent size is determined.
  • initialHeight - initial chart height used before the parent size is determined.
  • debounceTime - determines how often the size is updated in miliseconds, defaults to 300.
  • enableDebounceLeadingCall - determines whether the size is updated immediately on first render, defaults to true. This is essentially the value of options.leading in Lodash's debounce.


import { withParentSize, WithParentSizeProvidedProps } from '@visx/responsive';

interface Props extends WithParentSizeProvidedProps {
  myProp: string;

const MySuperCoolVisxChart = ({ myProp, parentWidth, parentHeight }: Props) => {
  // ...

const ChartWithParentSize = withParentSize(MySuperCoolVisxChart);

const chartToRender = <ChartWithParentSize myProp="string" initialWidth={400} />;



You might do the same thing as useParentSize or withParentSize using the ParentSize component.


import { ParentSize } from '@visx/responsive';

const chartToRender = (
    {(parent) => (
        // this is the referrer to the wrapper component
        // this function can be called inside MyVisxChart to cause a resize of the wrapper component


You can also create a responsive chart with a specific viewBox with the ScaleSVG component.


import { ScaleSVG } from '@visx/responsive';

const chartToRender = (
  <ScaleSVG width={400} height={400}>
    <MySuperCoolVXChart />

⚠️ ResizeObserver dependency

useParentSize, ParentSize and withParentSize rely on ResizeObservers for auto-sizing. If you need a polyfill, you can either pollute the window object or inject it cleanly like this:

import { ResizeObserver } from 'your-favorite-polyfill';

// hook
useParentSize({ resizeObserverPolyfill: ResizeObserver });

// component
<ParentSize resizeObserverPolyfill={ResizeObserver} {...}>
  {() => {...}}

// enhancer
withParentSize(MyComponent, ResizeObserver);

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