esslang small package created to upgrade my programing knowledge , esslang it is in version 0.0.1
which is the first one in future will be more effective , esslang created to make your JavaScript coding processing more easy.
$ npm i esslang
first of all create index.js
(if you are a beginer)
add this script in index.js:
const app = require("esslang");
let port = 8898;
app.listen(port, () => {
app.succ(`Server is Working Successfuly on port ${port}`);
//import the package
const app = require("esslang");
// let port be 8898 (optional)
let port = 8898;
// make "/" path to write/load page
app.get("/", (req, res) => {
//code function like try{}catch (){} if contain error it will catch it automaticly
app.code(() => {
//send html file or any file
app.sendFile(res, "./test/index.html");
// success message we have also (err, log, warn)
app.succ("Page loaded");
app.code(() => {
//port listening
app.listen(port, () => {
app.succ(`Server is Working Successfuly on port ${port}`);
// controller to catch project starts errors and warnings should be in the last line in index.js
we have other functions like : err, succ, log, warn, code, use, get, post, listen, send, sendFile, fetch, controller
this for learn
Any issues contact me on discord @95l.
Esslam (EssRks) FullStack Developer trying lot of domains in programing