Minify HTML
Getting Started
If you haven't used Grunt before, be sure to check out the Getting Started guide, as it explains how to create a Gruntfile as well as install and use Grunt plugins. Once you're familiar with that process, you may install this plugin with this command:
npm install grunt-contrib-htmlmin --save-dev
Once the plugin has been installed, it may be enabled inside your Gruntfile with this line of JavaScript:
Htmlmin task
Run this task with the grunt htmlmin
Issues with the output should be reported on the htmlmin
issue tracker.
See the html-minifier
Simple Example
grunt; grunt;
Example with Nested Files
grunt; grunt;
Release History
- 2019-04-01 v3.1.0 Updated html-minifier to v4.0.0. Updated all other dependencies.
- 2018-08-26 v3.0.0 Updated all dependencies. Requires Node.js >= 6.
- 2017-05-16 v2.4.0 Updated html-minifier to v3.5.0.
- 2017-03-08 v2.3.0 Updated html-minifier to v3.4.0.
- 2017-01-30 v2.2.0 Updated html-minifier to v3.3.0.
- 2017-01-14 v2.1.0 Updated html-minifier to v3.2.3 and pretty-bytes to 4.0.2.
- 2016-07-19 v2.0.0 Updated html-minifier to v3.0.1. Note that Node.js < 4 isn't supported anymore.
- 2016-07-13 v1.5.0 Updated html-minifier to v2.1.7.
- 2016-04-19 v1.4.0 Updated html-minifier to v2.0.0.
- 2016-04-10 v1.3.0 Updated html-minifier to v1.5.0.
- 2016-03-31 v1.2.0 Updated html-minifier to v1.4.0.
- 2016-03-18 v1.1.0 Updated html-minifier to v1.3.0.
- 2016-03-04 v1.0.0 Updated html-minifier to v1.2.0. Point main to task. Drop peerDeps.
- 2015-10-28 v0.6.0 Updated html-minifier to v1.0.0.
- 2015-09-25 v0.5.0 Updated html-minifier to v0.8.0.
- 2015-02-06 v0.4.0 Updated html-minifier to v0.7.0.
- 2014-05-05 v0.3.0 Drop Node.js 0.8 support. Updated html-minifier to v0.6.0.
- 2014-02-09 v0.2.0 Rewrite task. Drop concat support.
- 2013-04-06 v0.1.3 Fail target when minify encounters an error.
- 2013-04-05 v0.1.2 Update html-minifier which fixes IE conditional comments and prefixed HTML elements
. - 2013-02-18 v0.1.1 First official release for Grunt 0.4.0.
- 2013-01-30 v0.1.1rc7 Updating grunt/gruntplugin dependencies to rc7. Changing in-development grunt/gruntplugin dependency versions from tilde version ranges to specific versions.
- 2013-01-09 v0.1.1rc5 Updating to work with grunt v0.4.0rc5. Switching to
API. - 2012-11-01 v0.1.0 Initial release.
Task submitted by Sindre Sorhus
This file was generated on Mon Apr 01 2019 21:58:19.