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1.0.0 • Public • Published

NodeJS RCON Client

$ npm install @0x0c/rcon

A zero-dependency, fully-typed Node.js library providing an client for interacting with servers that support RCON protocol.

Supports multi-packeted responses, timeouts and queuing out of the box.

Quick Start

import {RconClient} from '@0x0c/rcon';

const rcon = new RconClient({
    host: '',
    port: 27015,
    password: '<my-rcon-password>',

async function queryStatus() {
    const [status, stats] = await Promise.all([rcon.send('status'), rcon.send('stats')]);
    // close connection when it is not required anymore



new RconClient(options): RconClient

Argument Type Description
options object Options
options.host string IP address or hostname of the server
options.port number RCON port
options.password string RCON Password
[options.timeout=5000] number Optional. The timeout for the response in milliseconds. Default: 5000

RconClient.connect(): Promise<void>

Connect to the server. This method is called automatically when you send the first command, but you can call it manually if you want to check the connection status after that.

RconClient.connected: boolean

Property that indicates whether the client is connected to the server.

RconClient.send(command, options?): Promise<string>

Send command to the server an return the response as a string.

Argument Type Description
command string Command to send
[options] object Optional. Options
[options.timeout] number Optional. Set timeout for this command separately from connection timeout. Default: equals to connection timeout
[options.multipacket=true] boolean Optional. Send at least two commands using a "boundary packet" that helps to read multi-packeted responses. Default: true

RconClient.disconnect(): void

Close the connection to the server. Connection is kept alive between commands, so you should call this method when you are done to free up resources.


By default, all commands are sent with the expectation of multi-packet response.

However, this means that even smallest replies may take twice as long (roughly) to resolve due to two packets being queued: a packet for the command itself, and a "boundary" packet (a junk packet that helps the connection client to understand when a server has finished replying to the previously sequenced packet).

You can disable this feature when sending:

const stats = await rcon.send('stats', {multipacket: false});




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