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0.4.20 • Public • Published


Helps with i18n by creating pages & handling translations for all your supported locales.


In short, this does everything gatsby-plugin-intl does, while exposing
React Components to help you handle translations and other internalization chores. It:

  • Creates a page for each of your locales and exposes them through different URLs
  • Sets the locale for this page and exposes it through React.Context to any component within the page
  • Creates all the necessary SEO tags for each of your new localized pages
  • Creates proper redirects based on Language headers, as well as the default/fallback language

At its core, this plugin exposes the following:


Returns information about the current page.

import { usePageContext } from '@3nvi/gatsby-theme-intl';

const Component = () => {
  const {
    // The language of the current page (i.e. `en`)
    // The original path of the page before it became localized (i.e. `/about`)
    // The supported languages of your application (i.e. `['en']`)
    //The URL of your current site (i.e `http://localhost:8000`)
  } = usePageContext();

  return <div />;


Returns a helper function for translations. This package uses & configures i18next under the hood, so you can read more there about how to configure your translations.

import { useTranslation } from '@3nvi/gatsby-theme-intl';

const Component = () => {
  const { t } = useTranslation();

  return <div>{t('greeting')}</div>;


A wrapper around gatsby-link, that accepts the original path and converts it to a intl-aware link, depending on the currently active language.

import { Link } from '@3nvi/gatsby-theme-intl';

const Component = () => {
  return <Link to="/about">About</Link>; // destination gets automatically converted to `/{activeLanguage}/about`

In addition to these, the package configures & forwards all React components present in the react-i18next package.

Quick Start

This plugin composes gatsby-plugin-intl:

npm i @3nvi/gatsby-theme-intl

and in your gatsby-config.js:

  // ... rest of your config
  plugins: [
    // ... other plugins
      resolve: `@3nvi/gatsby-theme-intl`,
      options: {
        // ...


The plugin accepts all optional options present in gatsby-plugin-intl. Additionally, it accepts the following:

  • i18nextConfig: Configuration options for the i18next instance that this theme uses under the hood. The available options can be found in the official docs.

    This package already adds a sane default configuration for i18next, which is automatically merged with the one you provide. The minimum required configuration option from your part is the resources option.

Example configuration:

const translations = require('./i18n.json');

  // ... rest of your config
  plugins: [
    // ... other plugins
      resolve: `@3nvi/gatsby-theme-intl`,
      options: {
        supportedLanguages: ['en', 'fr']
        i18nextConfig: {
          resources: translations,

Client-Only Routes

For implementing client-only routes gatsby recommends using its dedicated gatsby-plugin-create-client-paths. This can work in tandem with gatsby-theme-intl by simply:

  1. Including gatsby-plugin-create-client-paths before gastby-theme-intl:
const translations = require('./i18n.json');

  // ... rest of your config
  plugins: [
    // ... other plugins
      resolve: `gatsby-plugin-create-client-paths`,
      options: { prefixes: [`/app/*`] },
      resolve: `@3nvi/gatsby-theme-intl`,
      options: {
        supportedLanguages: ['en', 'fr']
        i18nextConfig: {
          resources: translations,
  1. Making sure that the Router component's basePath contains the language prefix before the dynamic URL part. You can get the current language from usePageContext. For example, using the previous config (where all /app/* paths were client-only), we would do:
// app.js
const App = () => {
  const { lang } = usePageContext();

  return (
    <Router basepath={`/${lang}/app`}>
      <ComponentOne path="/client-only-route-1" />
      <ComponentTwo path="/client-only-route-2" />

Usage Examples

Visit the related gatsby starter to see a full example of how this plugin can be used


Please refer to the Changelog for information on the details of each release



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  • aggelos.arvanitakis