
1.0.2 • Public • Published


React hooks based fetching with cache and abortcontroller support

Table of contents


  • Create custom fetch hooks from (axios) resources/services
  • Auto abort fetch requests
  • Memoize fetch responses


Using yarn:

yarn add @acato/react-fetch

Using npm:

npm i @acato/react-fetch


First, create a (axios) resource:

export const myResource = createResource(...)

createResource is a function from the @acato/axios module.

Then, define your service, using the resource we have just created.

export const myService = {
  getSomething: (signal) => myResource.get('api/something', { signal: signal() }),
  postSomething: (data, signal) =>
    mockResource.post('api/anything', { ...data }, { signal: signal() })

The signal argument is added by the createFetchHooks function. The custom hook, created with this function, will automagically abort any pending requests on 'unmounting' or when a new request executes when the last one is still pending.

Next, we'll create our custom hooks:

const handlers = {
  response: (res) => res?.data,
  error: (err) => {
    return err.message
export const myFetchHooks = createFetchHooks(
    name: 'useGetSomethingWithCache',
    fetcher: myService.getSomething,
    memoize: true,
    name: 'useGetSomethingWithTTLCache',
    fetcher: myService.getSomething,
    memoize: {
      ttl: 10000
    name: 'useGetSomethingWithTTLAndArgsCache',
    fetcher: myService.getSomething,
    memoize: {
      ttl: 10000,
      memoizeArgs: true
    name: 'useGetSomething',
    fetcher: myService.getSomething,
  { fetcher: myService.postSomething, handlers }

The function createFetchHooks will create a custom hook for each hook-definition you pass to this function. The only required property is fetcher, the actual fetch function. The name prop is not required, it will be derived from the function name.

The response and error handlers are just there to pre-populate responses and errors, so in the consuming component you dont have to grab the props you need (like: response?.data?.data). You could also trigger some custom logic in there as well, like setting some global state, notifiers, etc.

myFetchHooks will have these properties:

  • useGetSomethingWithCache: after 1st fetch it will always be resolved from cache.
  • useGetSomethingWithTTLCache: will be resolved from cache only if ttl is valid.
  • useGetSomethingWithTTLAndArgsCache: will cache the response for each new args and will be resolved from cache if the ttl is still valid.
  • useGetSomething: will always be fetched, no caching used.
  • usePostSomething: will never be cached.

Now we are ready to go and use our new fetch hooks!

const myComponent = () => {
  const [getSomething, loading, something, err] = useGetSomething()

  useEffect(() => {
  }, [getSomething])

  // with arguments?
  useEffect(() => {
  }, [getSomething, arg])


Fetch hooks can be made by passing relevant hook-configs to createFetchHooks.


Hook config

 name: 'useGetPosts', // name is not required, hook name can be derived from the `fetcher` property.
 fetcher: myService.getPosts, // Required. This is the fetch function used in the hook. It should return a `Promise`

 // memoize: boolean or object. Not required.
 memoize: true,
 memoize: {
     ttl: 10000, // Time to live, max age of cached response
     memoizeArgs: true, // If get requests require argument(s), each request will be cached with args as the cache key.
 // handlers: Object, not required.
 // Handler functions can be used to make it easier to handle api responses in a generic way.
 handlers: {
     response: res => res?.data,
     error: err => err?.message

Hook return value

The hook function, once invoked, will give you the following return value:

const [fetchFn, loadingState, data, err] = useGetSomething()

fetchFn: The actual fetch function. Stable,
loadingState: Indicates if the request is pending or finished,
data: Depending on using `handlers` or not, it will hold the fetch response,
err: Depending on using `handlers` or not, it will hold the error state,




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