A simple calendar component with a month, year and decennia view where you can easily navigate to a specific date.
import { CalendarModule } from '@acpaas-ui/ngx-calendar';
Visit our documentation site for full how-to docs and guidelines
Name | Default value | Description |
@Input() selectedDate: Date; |
- | The date the user selected. Will be used as a base for the different calendar views. |
@Input() range: DateRange; |
- | A date range to decide which dates are available for selection. |
@Input() weekdayLabels: WeekdayLabelsConfig; |
- | Override the default weekday labels. Can also be done in the forChild method. |
@Input() monthLabels: MonthLabelsConfig; |
- | Override the default month labels. Can also be done in the forChild method. |
@Output() selectDate: EventEmitter<any> |
- | Will emit the selected date and completion state (the date is complete when a day is picked). |
import { CalendarModule } from '@acpaas-ui/ngx-calendar;'
imports: [
'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday', 'Sunday',
], [
'January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December',
export class AppModule {};
import { DateRange } from '@acpaas-ui/ngx-utils';
public clickedDate: Date = new Date();
public range: DateRange = [1, 6];
selectDate(event) {
if (event.complete) {
this.clickedDate = event.date;
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