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Adhese React SDK

For React developers, we provide a React SDK that allows you to easily integrate our services into your React application.

The React SDK is built on top of the Adhese JavaScript SDK and doesn't need the Adhese JavaScript SDK to be installed separately.


npm install @adhese/sdk-react


The AdheseProvider component is a context provider that makes the Adhese instance available to all child components. It should be placed at the root of your application. It accepts an options prop that is passed to the createAdhese function. When the options prop changes, the Adhese instance is recreated. This provider replaces the createAdhese function.

The AdheseProvider component is a wrapper around the createAdhese function. It is required to use the AdheseProvider if you want to use the useAdhese or useAdheseSlot hooks.

import { AdheseProvider } from '@adhese/sdk-react';

function Devtools() {
  return (
    <AdheseProvider options={{
      account: 'your-account-id',
      <YourApp />


The useAdhese hook returns the Adhese instance that is created by the AdheseProvider. It can be used to access the Adhese instance in any child component.

import { useAdhese } from '@adhese/sdk-react';

function YourComponent() {
  const adhese = useAdhese();
  // Use the adhese instance


The useAdheseSlot hook returns a slot object for a given slot name. Use the to create a slot in your component.

It accepts the following arguments:

  • elementRef: A ref to the element that the slot should be attached to.
  • options: An object with options for the slot. This object is passed to the adhese.addSlot function.

When your component is unmounted, the slot is automatically removed from the Adhese instance.

import { useAdheseSlot } from '@adhese/sdk-react';

function YourComponent() {
  const elementRef = useRef(null);

  const slot = useAdheseSlot(elementRef, {
    format: 'your-format',

  return (
    <div ref={elementRef} />

useAdheseSlot with onBeforeRender

Like described in the slots documentation, you can use the onBeforeRender callback to intercept the to be rendered ad. The example there is written in vanilla JavaScript. To usejsx you can use the React renderToStaticMarkup function to create static HTML while still having the benefits of JSX.

import { renderToStaticMarkup } from 'react-dom/server';
import { useAdheseSlot } from '@adhese/sdk-react';

function YourComponent() {
  const adhese = useAdhese();
  const elementRef = useRef(null);

  const slot = useAdheseSlot(elementRef, {
    format: 'your-format',
    onBeforeRender: (ad) => {
      if (typeof ad.tag !== 'object') {
        // If the tag is not an object, return the ad as is
        return ad;

      return {
        tag: renderToStaticMarkup((

  return (
    <div ref={slot.elementRef} />




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