TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

0.2.8 • Public • Published


This package is under active development / design.


A context will define schema, workflow and actions.

  • Schema describes the data model and layout of the document.
  • Workflows are the events that are registered on it and will specific to the context. An application might have 'login', 'onAppLoad', 'beforeRouteChange' and 'logout' events. A form/document context might define CRUD events. A table component, nested inside the form component might define its own events. I think we want Events to be FSM
  • Actions are an ordered set of functions, called by Workflow
  • Router integration. Stonecrop setup should expect a router or provide a default implementation

The context will be tree-shaped with a single root. Adding more nodes at the root level isn't a problem, but multiple roots would be disallowed.

Example APIs and paths

app.schema <Record> // immutable
app.workflow <FSM> // immutable
app.actions <OrderedSet> // immutable
app.value <Store> // mutable
app.user // "tyler@agritheory.com"
app.name // "My First Application"
app.doctype.schema <Record> // `app.doctype` lazy loaded by Event in router?
app.doctype.workflow <FSM>
app.doctype.actions <OrderedSet>
app.doctype.actions.value <Store>
app.doctype.schema.field.workflow <FSM>
app.doctype.schema.field.actions <OrderedSet>
app.doctype.schema.field.value <Store>
app.doctype.schema.field.value.field.value <Store> // a "sub-form"
app.doctype.schema.field.value.field[0].value <Store> // also a "sub-form", likely representing a table or list

It may make sense to use automatic injection aliasing at the doctype level

Base Classes

The Doctype aligns with a row, record or object in a database. It is required to specify its schema, a Finite State Machine that informs its workflow and a set of functions that are triggered by that FSM's state transitions.

Registry is a map of all Doctypes, lazy loaded and is responsible for routing within the application

Stem is a composable singleton that wraps Registry and provides application level state management

Story / Network diagram

Doctype | Record Story

  • User is redirected after successful login
  • Base URL is configured at app level to serve a navigation page
  • User navigates to list view of doctype
  • Table component loads existing records of doctype from schema; record-level schema is added to registry with web worker
  • User navigates to specific record of doctype: schema is loaded from registry, data is loaded from server
  • User mutates data, changes are persisted to server / DB per FSM

App Level

  • User is redirected after successful login
  • Base URL is configured at app level to serve a navigation page
  • User opens command palette from lower-right-docked tab interface
  • User can search for doctype by name or other server-enabled capabilities

Low Code

  • User can define doctype and schema from UI
  • Fields are shown as rows in a table
  • FSM is shown as an editable diagram that validates itself




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  • alchez