This project aims to have a starter kit for creating a new React Library with storybook.
To create a new project run in the terminal:
npx @aleleba/create-react-component-library react-library
Then run:
cd react-library
You will need to create a new .env file at the root of the project for global config. This is an exaple of config.
#Library Name (Default: ui-library)
#External CSS (Default: false)
#External CSS NAME (Default: index.css)
#PREFIX URL (Default: '')
In the terminal run:
npm run start
You will find the components on:
You will find stories of storybook on:
This will start the app-library in development mode, also it have Hot Reloading! Enjoy coding!
In the terminal run:
npm run build
It will create a dist folder and run:
npm publish
This will publish on npm your package.
Hope you enjoy this proyect! Sincerely Alejandro Lembke Barrientos.