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Word Counter in Typescript


This project is a simple word counter application written in TypeScript. The application reads a text file (input.txt) and counts the number of words in it. It includes professional-level features such as:

  1. Ignoring multiple spaces.
  2. Supporting punctuation.
  3. Handling new lines.
  4. Generating a detailed report.


  1. Word Counting: Counts the number of words in a given text file.
  2. Detailed Report: Provides a breakdown of word counts, unique words, and punctuation handling.
  3. Error Handling: Ensures the input is valid and handles edge cases.

Run the Application on CLI:

npm i @alpha_anas/06_word_counter npx @alpha_anas/06_word_counter

(and the game will start running on your Command Prompt / Terminal)

Compiling and Running on IDE

when all the dependencies (as mentioned below) are successfully installed you can build and run the project using the below mentioned command : tsc && node index.js


Before running the application, ensure you have the following installed:


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone "https://github.com/AlphaAnas/12-Typescript-Projects-of-PIAIC-course" cd "06_Word_Counter"

  2. Install the dependencies:

    npm install (to install node modules folder) npm install inquirer npm i --save-dev @types/inquirer tsc --init (to install tsconfig.json) npm init -y (to install package.json) (keep pressing enter to make a general tsconfig.json file)

Important changes to make (note I have already made this following changes for you, so you do not have to make the same, however remember to make the same in your own version)

In tsconfig.json file on line No.:14 change the *target* to *ESNext* i.e. `"target": "ESNext"` 
also tsconfig.json file on line No.:28 change the *module* to *NodeNext* i.e. `"module": "NodeNext"`
also tsconfig.json file on line No.:28 change the *moduleResolution* to *NodeNext* i.e. `"moduleResolution": "NodeNext"`

Then in package.json file on line No.:10 after ( "main": "index.js",) enter the following two lines
"bin": "index.js",
"type": "module",
### Example Interaction

1. **User enters their input in a .txt file in the same folder**:

Welcome to the Wordcounter APP

  1. Enter the file name you entered the input in (.txt only)
  2. (system checks if such file exists)
  3. if yes: the system runs the process and gives ,word count, character count and sentence count.
  4. if no: the system generates relevant error .

## Development

### Run/ Edit the Application on IDE:

     Clone or download the zip of the folder from : `https://github.com/AlphaAnas/12-Typescript-Projects-of-PIAIC-course/tree/main/06_Word_Counter`
     `Then run the following commands to install the DEPENDENCIES (if already not installed, however i have already installed and pushed the following for you in the repository): `

             tsc --init
             npm init -y
             npm install inquirer
             npm i --save-dev @types/inquirer





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npm i @alpha_anas/06_word_counter

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  • alpha_anas