This is an awesome library that add logs before your code in functions.
Install locally in project
~ npm i -D @alu0101209067/addlogging
Install globally
~ npm i -g @alu0101209067/addlogging
This command is a executable and show the help about how works.
~ add-logging
Usage: add-logging [options] Páctice 3 npm module addlogging Options: -V, --version output the version number -o, --output <output_filename> <input_file> introducir el fichero de salida del resultado del programa -p, --pattern <pattern> <output_filename> <input_file> introducir patrón, el fichero de salida del resultado del programa -h, --help output usage information
add-logging -h --help
Show the version of the library
~ add-logging -h Usage: add-logging [options] Páctice 3 npm module addlogging Options: -V, --version output the version number -o, --output <output_filename> <input_file> introducir el fichero de salida del resultado del programa -p, --pattern <pattern> <output_filename> <input_file> introducir patrón, el fichero de salida del resultado del programa -h, --help
add-logging -V --version
Show the version of the library.
~ add-logging -V 0.3.0
~ add-logging --version 0.3.0
add-logging -o --output
Add a line of log in a function and write this new function in a new file.
~ add-logging -o output.js input.js input: function suma(a, b) { return a + b; } Salida en fichero output.js
add-logging -p --pattern
Similar that output command but now only add the line of log in functiosn that match with the pattern.
~ add-logging --pattern suma input-log.js input.js input: function suma(a, b) { return a + b; } Salida en fichero input-log.js
Import to use
const { addLogging } = require('@alu0101209067/addlogging');
This method add new line of log before your code in functions and return a new string.
It receives 2 parameters:
- Code: {string} code to read and find functions to write the new line
- Pattern: {string} word you want to choose, and find only functions match with that word.
const output = addLogging(input, 'suma')
The variable output contain the string with the code with a new line of log.
const { addLogging } = require('@alu0101209067/addlogging');
const sum = `function suma(a, b) {
return a + b;
const output = addLogging(sum, 'suma')
~ node src/add.js
function suma(a, b) {
console.log(`Entering suma(${ a },${ b }) at line 1`);
return a + b;