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1.0.1 • Public • Published


This documentation covers two powerful actors, SqsActor and DuplicationCheckerActor, which provide facilities for processing messages from AWS's SQS and for checking message duplication respectively.

1. SqsActor

This is the primary class of the library and encapsulates the logic for polling messages from an SQS queue, processing them, and handling errors.


The SqsActor class requires an instance of SqsActorArgs to be provided during instantiation. This argument object includes configurations like:

  • AWS SQS Client arguments
  • The URL of the SQS queue to poll messages from
  • Optional duplication checker actor reference
  • Optional logger instance


  • receipts: Keeps track of received messages and their receipt handles.
  • logger: Instance of the logger used.
  • client: Instance of the SQS client.
  • queueUrl: URL of the SQS queue.
  • handler: Reference to the message handler actor.
  • duplication: Reference to the duplication checker actor.
  • isPolling: Indicates if the actor is currently polling messages.
  • abortController: Used to abort the ongoing SQS polling request.
  • pollingTimeout: Timeout reference for controlling the polling interval.

Key Methods:

  • start(ref: ActorRef): Initializes subscriptions and starts message processing.
  • processingComplete(@Receive message: ProcessingComplete): Handles the completion of message processing.
  • handleSqsMessageSuccess(@Receive message: HandleSqsMessageSuccess): Records the receipt handle of successfully processed messages.
  • handleError(@Receive message: ErrorMessage): Handles any errors that occur during processing.
  • startPolling(@Receive message: StartPolling): Begins polling messages from SQS.
  • stopPolling(@Receive _: StopPolling): Stops polling messages from SQS.
  • poll(abortController: AbortController, options?: ReceiveArgs): The main polling loop. Retrieves messages from SQS and forwards them for processing.
  • decideToPoll(): Determines if polling should continue or stop.

2. Messages:

The library uses various messages for inter-actor communication and operations:

  • ReceiveArgs: Arguments for the ReceiveMessageCommand.
  • StartPolling: Message to start the polling process.
  • HandleSqsMessage: Message containing an SQS message for processing.
  • HandleSqsMessageSuccess: Notification of successful message processing.
  • StopPolling: Message to stop the polling process.
  • ProcessingComplete: Notification that processing of a message is complete.

3. Errors:

  • MessageIsAlreadyReceived: Error indicating that a message has already been received.


To use the SqsActor library:

  1. Initialize the SqsActor with the necessary arguments.
  2. Start the actor system.
  3. Send a StartPolling message to the actor to begin polling messages from SQS.
  4. Use the StopPolling message to stop the polling process when necessary.


The SqsActor library offers a powerful and efficient way to integrate SQS with an actor-based system. It abstracts away many complexities, ensuring that your system remains responsive, resilient, and scalable.

2. DuplicationCheckerActor

The DuplicationCheckerActor provides functionality for checking if a message has already been received, based on a key-value system.


The DuplicationCheckerActor class requires an instance of DuplicationCheckerActorArgs to be provided during instantiation. This argument object includes:

  • A reference to the key-value actor used to check duplication
  • Optional prefix string which is prepended to the message ID to generate the unique key


  • keyValue: Reference to the key-value actor used for checking duplication.
  • prefix: A string prefix used in key generation.

Key Methods:

  • start(ref: ActorRef): Initializes the actor and subscribes to relevant messages.
  • handleSqsMessageSuccess(@Receive message: HandleSqsMessageSuccess): Handles a successfully processed SQS message and checks for duplication.
  • getValueFail(@Receive message: ErrorMessage): Handles scenarios where a message value could not be fetched.
  • getValueSuccess(@Receive message: GetValueSuccess): Handles successful fetching of a message value and emits error if the message has already been received.

Use Cases:

  1. Initialize the DuplicationCheckerActor with necessary arguments.
  2. Start the actor system.
  3. As SQS messages are successfully processed by the SqsActor, they are sent to the DuplicationCheckerActor to ensure they haven't been processed before.


The DuplicationCheckerActor ensures that your system processes each SQS message only once, adding an extra layer of reliability to your message processing pipeline.




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  • anton.nagornyi