
3.14.0 • Public • Published


@aofl/templating-plugin creates multiple entry points and automatically generates the route config object for aofl-js applications. It uses a single template file and combines it with partial views, meta tags, title and locale based on annotated routes files to create index.html files for each route. Just create new route components or update current routes and the application will automatically update the routes config during build.


npm i -D @aofl/@aofl/templating-plugin


const AofLTemplatingPlugin = require('@aofl/templating-plugin');

  plugins: [
    new AofLTemplatingPlugin({
      template: {
        name: 'main',
        template: path.resolve(__dirname, '..', 'templates', 'main', 'template.ejs'),
        filename: path.join('templates', 'main', 'template.html'),
        ...{ other html-webpack-plugin options }
      routes: {
        mainRoutes: path.join(__dirname, '..', 'routes'),
        pattern: [
          path.join(__dirname, '..', 'routes', 'home', 'index.js')
        ignore: ['**/__build/**/*', '**/node_modules/**/*']


Name Type Default Description
template Object {} html-webpack-plugin options plus a name attribute that will be part of the route object.
routes Object {} Define route entry points. mainRoutes, pattern and optional ignore.
partials Object {} Used to define static partial templates object where the keys are the partials name and the values are html-webpack-plugin options.
locale String en-US Default locale for entry points.
prerender Object { timeout: 0, externalServer: false, schema: 'http', host: 'localhost', port: 8090 } Add timeout in ms on top of the when there are no more than 2 network connections for at least 500 ms.


The template object is used with html-webpack-plugin to generate the html for the entry points. In addition to the html-webpack-plugin options you must specify a name for the template. This attribute will be part of the generated routes config object.

      new AofLTemplatingPlugin({
        template: {
          name: 'main',
          template: path.resolve(__dirname, '..', 'templates', 'main', 'template.ejs'),
          filename: path.join('templates', 'main', 'template.html'),


routes is used to find the routes entry files. We can have multiple routes folders but only one of these folders can be the mainRoutes. mainRoutes will be under routes key in the generated routes config. Any other routes-[anything here] folder will be added to the routes configs under [anything here] key. These routes can be used for (A/B testing).

    routes: {
      mainRoutes: path.join(__dirname, '..', 'routes'),
      pattern: [
        path.join(__dirname, '..', 'routes', 'other', 'index.js'),
        path.join(__dirname, '..', 'routes-a', 'home', 'index.js')
      ignore: ['**/__build/**/*', '**/node_modules/**/*']


options.locale specifes the default locale for the application. Each route can specify a locale in the route annotations as explained below.


Static parial templates can be defined using partials key and can be added to template using template variables aoflTemplate:partial:[partial-name]. For Example, header and footer areas. Partials should be html-webpack-plugin options.

// webpack.config.js
  partials: {
    header: {
      template: path.join(__dirname, '..', 'js', 'header', 'view.ejs'),
      filename: path.join('js', 'header', 'view.html'),
<!-- template.ejs -->


options.prerender allows for customizing the prerender server.

Template Keywords


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="aoflTemplate:locale">


<html lang="aoflTemplate:locale">


    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">


<!-- template.ejs -->

Route Annotation

@aofl/templating plugin generates the routes.config.js file based on comment blocks found in the index.js file of the routes.

 * @route /
 * @title AofL::Home::CN
 * @metaTag {name:"description", content="Our awesome homepage"}
 * @metaTag {name:"viewport", content:"width=device-width, initial-scale=1"}
 * @meta {
 *   debug: false,
 *   template: 'main',
 *   requiresAuthentication: true
 * }
 * @prerender false
 * @locale zh-CN

import template from './template';
import styles from './styles.css';
import AoflElement from '@aofl/web-components/aofl-element';
 * @extends {AoflElement}
class CnZhHomePage extends AoflElement {

Supported Tags

Name Type Description
@route String
@title String Title of the page
@metaTag Object Define a meta tag for the route. Multiple @metaTags can be used on a page. E.g. @metaTag {name:"viewport", content:"width=device-width, initial-scale=1"}
@meta Object Application specific route meta data.
@locale String Route specific locale. This value overrides the locale specified in the config.
@prerender String Specifies whether the page should be pre-rendered during production build.

example @aofl/unit-testing-plugin/routes.config.js

export default {
  'routes': [
      'resolve': () => import('./routes-cn_zh/home/index.js'),
      'rotation': 'routes',
      'path': '/',
      'dynamic': false,
      'title': 'AofL::Home::CN',
      'meta': {
        'debug': false,
        'template': 'main',
        'requiresAuthentication': true,
      'locale': 'zh-CN',
      'template': 'main'
      'resolve': () => import('./routes-cn_zh/login/index.js'),
      'rotation': 'routes',
      'path': '/login/',
      'dynamic': false,
      'title': 'AofL::Login::CN',
      'locale': 'zh-Cn',
      'template': 'main'
  'b-test': [
      'resolve': () => import('./routes-b-test/home/index.js'),
      'rotation': 'b-test',
      'path': '/',
      'dynamic': false,
      'title': 'AofL::Home::B',
      'locale': 'zh-CN',
      'template': 'main'




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