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A CLI tool to automate Airnode deployment


You can find documentation on how to use the deployer in the deployer docs.

For developers

Build the docker image locally

To build the image follow these instructions.

Running the deployer CLI from source

Instructions on how to build and use the deployer CLI from source:

  1. Install Terraform and make sure that the terraform binary is available in your PATH environment variable. Make sure the version is compatible with the required_version of terraform modules used.
  2. Prepare necessary cloud credentials. See the instructions in the docs.
  3. Make sure config.json and secrets.env are available in the config directory. You can use the provided example config.json and secrets.env templates to get started quickly, but you will need to edit these with your own API details and secrets.
# From this package (/packages/airnode-deployer)
cp config/config.example.json config/config.json
cp config/secrets.example.env config/secrets.env
# Edit both `config.json` and `secrets.env` to reflect your configuration

After you prepare the necessary deployment files, there are two options for running the CLI:

  1. Run yarn cli ...
  2. First build the package using yarn build, then make the CLI binary executable by running chmod +x ./dist/bin/deployer.js. Next, use the following, which assumes the default file locations: yarn airnode-deployer deploy -c config/config.json -s config/secrets.env -r config/receipt.json to deploy or redeploy and use yarn airnode-deployer remove-with-receipt -r config/receipt.json to remove Airnode.




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  • aquarat
  • dcroote
  • bbenligiray
  • siegrift