Allows to integrate source control systems (currently Bitbucket and GitHub) with Applitools without allowing Eyes to access the repos.
- Make sure you have node 12 installed
- Make sure you have yarn installed
- Run
npm i -g @applitools/eyes-scm
- Get your Eyes organization ID: Go to your Eyes admin panel > Account page, and copy your organization ID (under GENERAL, ID).
- Add the following environment variables (you can use a .env file in the root folder):
- optionally: PORT=<PORT_NUMBER>
- GITHUB_WEBHOOK_SECRET= - Only for cases where the events proxy is used.
All done!
- You’ll need a team admin user
- You’ll need to create an API key for this user with full privileges
- You’ll need an admin user in BitBucket or GitHub (depending on the system you use)
run eyes-scm
and navigate to localhost:4000 (or your PORT_NUMBER)
For github only it is possible to use the eyes-scm service as a proxy for transferring webhook events to Eyes server. This allows users with strict network restrictions on their GitHub enterprise server to use Applitools GitHub integation.
The API endpoint is
POST /api/github-events-proxy
In order to use it, the webhook secret has to be provided to eyes-scm via the environment variable GITHUB_WEBHOOK_SECRET. In addition, the GitHub app should be configured to send all the webhook events to (eyes-scm-url)/api/github-events-proxy?serverId=&orgId=
In order to use MSSQL server instead of the default SQLite Some additional environment variables have to be provided:
- USE_MSSQL=true
- MSSQL_DB_ENCRYPT (true/false)
In order to authenticate using Active Directory (client ID and secret) Instead of MSSQL_DB_USERNAME and MSSQL_DB_PASSWORD, define the following environment variables:
- MSSQL_AUTH_TYPE=azure-active-directory-service-principal-secret
From the root folder run yarn devel
It will fire up the react app build scripts and the nodemon that will restart the process following relevant changes.