
2.54.0 • Public • Published

What is it?

It is a very easy lib for e2e testing with gherkin on multiple browser.

What browsers?

Under the hood, @arianee/uat uses playwirght, the Microsoft lib. So you can test on:

  1. Chromium
  2. Webkit
  3. Firefox

Getting started

npm i @arianee/uat -S

You don't need anything else. @arianee/uat comes with Gherkin (cucumberjs) and Playwright.

Then write you first test. Create myfile.features

Feature: I am making my first User Acceptance Test

    Scenario: A user navigating to wikipedia should be on wikipedia
      Given _user navigates to 'https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flag_of_the_United_Kingdom'
      Then _user page should land on 'https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flag_of_the_United_Kingdom'

(This is very useless test)

And execute simply:

"uat myfile.feature",

What can I do?


You can use all the classic css selector #id, .class. But these should be kept for styling but not for testing. We suggest you to add a special data attribute data-e2e='my-fisrt-test'. Then you write

       <button data-e2e="my-fisrt-test" class="keep-for-stylinh"> My Submit button</button>

Then _user clicks on 'my-fisrt-test' and it @arianee/uat will find its way.

We suggest to use very meaningul name in order to make it easily readble

Then _user clicks on 'button_submit-account-creation'.

Checking Display

    Then _user sees '.classSelector'
    Then _user sees '#idSelector'
    Then _user sees 'dataAttributeSelector'
    Then _user sees '<body'

Clicks on selector

  When _user clicks on '#button1'

Check content (text)

  Then _'content' content should contain "simple content"
   Then _'content' content should not contain "complex content"

Fill form

// real keyboard input
Given _user set input '#inputId' with 'value'

// fill form with js
Given _user fill up form
      | form inputText   | it is a string |
      | form selectInput | cat            |
      | form inputNumber | 22             |

Wallet Connect

Then walletConnect connect to 'wallet-connect-qrcode' // walletconnect uri should be in data-wcuri
Then _user wait for session request
Then _user has wallet 'film mammal dove visual enrich mango cement panther gown shadow owner slush' as 'wallet1'
Given _user wallet accepts wallet connect request on chain 1 and wallet 'wallet1'
Then _user wait for personal signature request
Then _user wallet accepts last personal signature

Mocking HTTP(S) requests

You can mock HTTP(S) requests by setting httpMocksPath in the configuration file under the configuration property. We recommend mocks to be placed at: ./features/mocks/http/.

There are 2 types of HTTP(S) mocks:

  • mock based on the request's route (default mock)
  • mock using a specified mock file

Mocking based on the request's route

Create a file my-request-default.json in your httpMocksPath, naming doesn't matter but we recommend that you give a meaningful name and that you suffix it with -default.

Inside that file, put this json:

  "route": "https://your-route/with/pathname",
  "response": {
    "status": 200,
    "headers": { "access-control-allow-origin": "*" },
    "contentType": "text/html",
    "body": "<p>hello world</p>"

Any request made to https://your-route/with/pathname (navigation, fetch...) will automatically be mocked and return the content specified in response. Note that you can use wildcards ** and * in the route:

  • ** should be placed at the beginning of the route and will match any protocol + domain + tld (http(s)://(www.)any-domain.tld/)
  • * will match any legal character except /

For instance, with **/*/test:

  • https://hello.world/123/test will match
  • http://www.test.fr/hello/test will match
  • https://test.fr/test will not match (expects /something/ before test)

Mocking using a specified mock file

You can mock a certain route with a specified mock file by using the step Given _http mock for 'http://route/' is 'name-of-the-mock-file'.

  • http://route/ is the exact route you want to mock, you can also use the wildcards ** and *
  • name-of-the-mock-file is the name of the mock file in httpMocksPath without the .json extension.

The file content MUST NOT have a route property, example of a valid file content my-request-custom.json:

  "response": {
    "status": 200,
    "headers": { "access-control-allow-origin": "*" },
    "contentType": "text/html",
    "body": "<p>this is a custom mock with no route property</p>"

Any request made to http://route/ (navigation, fetch...) will return the content specified in name-of-the-mock-file. This has priority over the default mock for that route if there is one.


It is recommended that you allow CORS in your mock response as your app/tests may not work correctly otherwise:

  "response": {
    "headers": { "access-control-allow-origin": "*" }

Reseting mock to default file

You can stop using a custom mock file for a certain route by using the step Given _http mock for 'http://route/' is reset to default value.

Use custom variable

@arianee/uat allows you to use your own variable. We use fakejs.

      Given _store value 'internet.email' as '{{randomEmail}}'
      Given _store value 'internet.password' as '{{randomPassword}}'
      Given _store value 'random.number' as '{{randomNumber}}'
      Given _store value 'random.word' as '{{randomWord}}'

You can also retrieve variable from process.env and use it in a form

    Given _store value from process.env.myEnvValue as '{{YourVariable}}'
    Given _user set input '#inputId' with '{{YourVariable}}'

It can be useful to test url without specifying host:

    Given _store value from process.env.MYURL as '{{MyURL}}'
    Given _user navigates to '{{MyURL}}/account/create'

You can store a value in the local storage

    Given _store value 'storedValue' in local storage as 'storageKey'

Take Screenshot and send it

Scenario: User can take a screenshot and name it
    Then _take screenshot with file name 'myDir/screenshot1.png'
    Then _send screenshot 'myDir/screenshot1.png' to api 'https://httpbin.org/post' with custom header


It sometimes hard to debug Gherkin. To pause your test you can:

      Then _debug

It will pause until you press any key.

Single Page Application

@arianee/uat is created to easily test SPA. It embeds its own http server. In uat.config.json, specify directory of your built spa, and it will serve it.

"serve": {
    "dir": "www",
    "port": 4200

Configuration variables

  "serve": {
    "dir": "www", // directory of your built SPA
    "port": 4200 // port to serve your spa.
  "env": {
    "myEnvValue": "myEnvValue" // will be available in process.env
  "configuration": {
    "headless": true, // headless mode
    "debug": false, // step by step debug
    "slowMotion": 150, // speed user does each action
    "browser": "chromium", // browser to test
    "screenshotOnError": true // take a screenshot on error,
    "walletConnectBridge": false // open a wallet connect bridge on port 5001
    "httpMocksPath": "./features/mocks/http/" // path where http mocks json are

process.env.DEBUG : setting up debug mode. It will wait for user input to continue to next step. process.env.headless : setting up headless mode of browser. default true Each configuration in uat.config.json can be overriden with process.env

headless=false uat features/*.features

Our test

Example from our test:

Feature: Dev can test a lot of thing

    Given _user navigates to 'http://localhost:4200'

  Scenario: Dev can use different selector
    Then _user sees '.classSelector'
    Then _user sees '#idSelector'
    Then _user sees 'dataAttributeSelector'
    Then _user sees '<body'

  Scenario: Dev can interact different selector
    When _user clicks on '#button1'
    Then _user sees '.hadInteraction'

  Scenario: Dev can check content
    Then _'content' content should contain "simple content"
    Then _'content' content should not contain "complex content"

  Scenario: Dev can interact with form
    Given _user set input '#inputId' with 'value'
    Given _'#inputId' input value should contain 'value'
    Given _'#inputId' input value should NOT contain 'notTheVal'

  Scenario: Dev can check after a period of time
    Then _user does not see '.removed-loader' after 5 seconds

  Scenario: Dev store from env variable
    Given _store value from process.env.myEnvValue as '{{RANDOMNUMBER}}'
    Given _user set input '#inputId' with '{{RANDOMNUMBER}}'
    Given _'#inputId' input value should contain 'myenvValue'

  Scenario: Dev can build its own variable with random number
    Given _store value 'randomNumber' as '{{RANDOMNUMBER}}'
    Given _user set input '#inputId' with '{{RANDOMNUMBER}}'
    Given _user set input '#inputId' with 'mycustom-{{RANDOMNUMBER}}'

  Scenario: Dev can build its own variable with string
    Given _store value 'a string' as '{{REGULARSTRING}}'
    Given _user set input '#inputId' with '{{REGULARSTRING}}'
    Given _user set input '#inputId' with 'mycustom-{{REGULARSTRING}}'

  Scenario: Dev can fill up a form quickly
    Given _user fill up form
      | form inputText   | it is a string |
      | form selectInput | cat            |
      | form inputNumber | 22             |
    Given _'form inputText' input value should contain 'it is a string'
    Given _'form inputNumber' input value should contain '22'

  Scenario: Dev can fill up a form quickly
    Given _store value 'a string' as '{{REGULARSTRING}}'
    Given _user fill up form
      | form inputText   | {{REGULARSTRING}}       |
      | form selectInput | cat            |
      | form inputNumber | 22             |
    Given _'form inputText' input value should contain 'a string'
    Given _'form inputNumber' input value should contain '22'

  Scenario: Dev can retrieve and store content of div
    Given _store content value from selector 'contentToStore' as '{{LINK}}'
    Given _user set input 'form inputText' with '{{LINK}}'
    Given _'form inputText' input value should contain 'Content to retrieve'

  Scenario: Dev can retrieve and store content of div
    Given _store content value from selector 'contentToStore' as '{{LINK}}'
    Given _user fill up form
      | form inputText   | {{LINK}} |
    Given _'form inputText' input value should contain 'Content to retrieve'

    Scenario: User can get current URL
      Given _user navigates to 'https://stackoverflow.com/questions/34701436/create-randomly-generated-url-for-content'
      Then _user page should land on 'https://stackoverflow.com/questions/34701436/create-randomly-generated-url-for-content'

  Scenario: User can take a screenshot and name it
    Then _take screenshot with file name 'gitIgnoreDirectory/screenshot1.jpg'

  Scenario: User can take a screenshot and name it
    Then _take screenshot with file name 'gitIgnoreDirectory/screenshot1.png'
    Then _send screenshot 'gitIgnoreDirectory/screenshot1.png' to api 'https://httpbin.org/post' with custom header

  Scenario: User wait for n seconds/miliseconds
    Given _wait for 1 seconds
    Given _wait for 1 milliseconds

 Scenario: Dev can pause
     Given _store value 'a string' as '{{REGULARSTRING}}'
     Given _debug #<== use this to pause

  Scenario: Dev can call POST api
    Given _api user can 'http 200' with api call:
      | url              | https://httpbin.org/post |
      | x-api-key        | 123456                   |
      | method           | POST                     |

    Given _api body of 'http 200' is:

    When _api user make call 'http 200'

    Then _api result status of 'http 200' should be:
      | status           | 200                     |
    Then _api result body of 'http 200' should be:
        | url           | https://httpbin.org/post |

    And _store value from api call 'http 200' body property 'url' as '{{URL}}'


If you want to test some changes from this UAT library directly into another project and you have the following error when you run the UAT tests:

TypeError [ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE]: The "from" argument must be of type string. Received type undefined

You need to copy/paste (or symlink) the whole @cucumber repository from the @arianee/uat project to your project.

My project repo
      @cucumber (this must be a symlink (or a copy) of the @cucumber folder from you local @arianee/uat project (*)
        uat (this is the symlink (or copy) to your local @arianee/uat project) (**)
My local @arianee/uat project (*)
      @cucumber (**)

More details at https://github.com/cucumber/cucumber-js/issues/1326(https://github.com/cucumber/cucumber-js/issues/1326)




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