These contracts serve as the Registry for the Astral Protocol GeoDIDs. It allows binding of a GeoDID to an ethereum address and CID name resolving.
By registering a spatial asset Smart Contract events are triggered, which are picked up by the subgraph indexer to build the tree of relationships for easy querying.
To add Astral Protocol Contracts to your application
yarn add @astralprotocol/contracts
To develop or try the Astral Protocol Contracts locally
- Clone the astralprotocol repository and go to packages/contracts:
git clone git@github.com:AstralProtocol/astralprotocol.git
cd astralprotocol/packages/contracts
- Run ganache
yarn ganache
- Deploy contracts with
yarn truffle
- Run tests with
yarn truffle-test
or do coverage check upyarn coverage
- You can deploy an instance by running
yarn new-instance
. It builds a tree with some GeoDIDs with fake ids and cids. - You can test the removal of some links by running
yarn remove-links
. - Watch the changes in a locally deployed subgraph.
To deploy your own contracts in the Ropsten testnet
- Create a .env file in /packages/contracts with a
MNEMONIC="mnemonic phrase goes here with testnet ether in address[0] on ropsten cool"
ROPSTEN_API_KEY=https://ropsten.infura.io/v3/<PROJECT ID HERE>