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4.0.0-rc.4 • Public • Published

Auth Armor Javascript Client-Side SDK UI Wrapper for React

Auth Armor provides a SaaS solution to authenticate your users exclusively using passwordless authentication methods such as passkeys, magic links and the proprietary Auth Armor mobile app.

This package wraps the autharmor-form component provided by the @autharmor/autharmor-js-ui package. It allows you to use a native React component to render the Auth Armor form with the full benefits of type-checking and the ability to pass objects to components directly from the markup.

This package is designed to work together with @autharmor/autharmor-js and @autharmor/autharmor-js-ui. A knowledge of how those packages work will be helpful in using this package.


This package is available on the NPM registry as @autharmor/autharmor-react. You must have the @autharmor/autharmor-js and ``@autharmor/autharmor-js-ui` packages to use it. Use your project's package manager to install all the packages:

npm install @autharmor/autharmor-js @autharmor/autharmor-js-ui @autharmor/autharmor-react

pnpm add @autharmor/autharmor-js @autharmor/autharmor-js-ui @autharmor/autharmor-react

# Yarn
yarn add @autharmor/autharmor-js @autharmor/autharmor-js-ui @autharmor/autharmor-react

Rendering the Auth Armor Form

This package exports a React component called AuthArmorForm which you can use in your React components:

import { AuthArmorClient, IAuthenticationSuccessResult, IRegistrationSuccessResult } from "@autharmor/autharmor-js";
import "@autharmor/autharmor-js-ui";
import { AuthArmorForm } from "@autharmor/react";

export function MyAuthArmorForm() {
    // Refer to the @autharmor/autharmor-js documentation to learn how to instantiate an AuthArmorClient.
    const client = new AuthArmorClient(...);

    const onLogIn = (authenticationResult: IAuthenticationSuccessResult) => {
        console.log("Authenticated with", authenticationResult);

    const onRegister = (registrationResult: IRegistrationSuccessResult) => {
        console.log("Registered with", registrationResult);

    return (

The AuthArmorForm accepts all the properties that the autharmor-form component from the @autharmor/autharmor-js-ui package accepts. Refer to its documentation to learn how to use these properties.

All events from autharmor-form are also available. The first letter of the DOM event name is capitalized and on is prepended. For example, to use the logIn event, you can use the onLogIn property.

In addition, the component defines a few additional properties:

Property Type Description
className string The CSS class to use for the autharmor-form component.
style React.CSSProperties The CSS styles to use for the autharmor-form component.

Other Functionality

Other functionality is provided directly by the @autharmor/autharmor-js and @autharmor/autharmor-js-ui packages. Refer to their documentation for more details on how to use Auth Armor in your application.




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  • saraelsa
  • bugnuker