Every HTML element on a web page can be a selector, which can be used to create AuxTA scenarios.
Of course, not all HTML elemets are used as selectors to create AuxTA scenarios.
Those HTML elements, which will be used as selectors for AuxTA scenarios, should have a Unique ID. This way AuxTA scenarios are created the fastest.
The best candidate for this is the HTML "id" attribute.
The ID value should reflect the functionality of the place.
To create a unique ID, make it multipart, beginning with more general parts which are guaranteed to be unique. This way one creates namespaces, which make it easier after that to end up with a unique ID.
For expmple:
More than one of the same element, For example several tables on one page, each should have a unique ID.
If it has nested elements they can have the same selectors as in the other elements, but it’s not necessary.
The main thing is a scenario
consts of `steps.
Change so that there is one function per helper file.
All clicks wait for the selector by default and timeout w/ the standard timeout unless different is specified.
It is recommended to have a standard timeout for the whole scenario and not to define spefici. TODO
auxta.click() THINK TO MAKE
waitforseelctorbytext depreciated
Building Blocks do one simple thing each and allow you to build State Scripts and Scenrios.
State Scripts bring the system to a desired state from which a specific scenario begins.
- (AuxTA) We do some action on the website.
- (Website) Sends an email to the email address of the user who did the action.
- (AuxTA) Should check that that the email was correctly sent. So we check:
auxta.checkMail(_from_name_, _from_email_, _subject_, _body_text_)
- The email login is in the main config of the test suite.
- For the moment we do it synchroneous (AuxTA waits for the email).
- The email must be newser than the time of the action on the Website.
- Must be from_name (substring)
- Must be from_email (substring)
- Must have subject (substring)
- Must cotnain body_text (substring)
- Quality of Service, if the email does not arrive w/in eg. 5 minutes we return an error w/ timeout.
- The email login is in the main config of the test suite.
auxta.clickInMail(_from_name_, _from_email_, _subject_, _click_on_)
- Create a main function that calls the run() function which starts all tests
- Create a function for each test that calls the
auxtaPuppeteer.run(event, callback, featureName, scenarioName)
npm i
# All background functions that will be run, listed
"suitesList": [
# The tested site's url
"baseURL": "https://{sitename}/",
# The url where the tests are ran
"testsURL": "https://{sitename}/",
# The organization's name
"organization": "string",
# The digital product's name
"digitalProduct": "bedrijfsfinanciering.com",
# Max timeout in milliseconds
# Default 1000
"timeout": 1000,
# The credentials of the user that uploads the tests to the site
"email": "string",
"password": "string",
"token": "string"
# Screen width and height used in the testing
# Allows testing from mobile devices screens
"screenWidth": 1920,
"screenHeight": 1080,
##backlog Implement a way to scout the skipped steps w/ $failed=true, $skipped=++ control click go to source directory
- introduce the new headless mode, by Puppeteer.
Also some improvements to the platform in general:
- get the console state after a fail, this would increase the value of each failed report.
Make so that there can be more than one helper file and that we have one function per helper file.