
0.1.1 • Public • Published


An auth system built for use with cloudflare workers and pages functions that does all of the annoying logic and validation for various authentication methods.


pnpm add @axel669/acheron

Installing the Worker

In order to use the auth functions provided in the library, there needs to be a cloudflare worker deployed to the same account that will be bound to the calling code. The library ships with a copy of the worker (minus installed packages), but the worker can also be pulled from the repo and deployed.

The worker can also be run locally to test things without deploying to CF. The worker has a single env var (log_level) that can be set if more information about the worker is required. Values are: "debug", "info", "warn" "error", "none". If not set, it will default to "error". If set to "debug" the worker will log auth config and token details without masking, only use this option running locally if you are seeing errors.


  • Install the worker dependencies

    The worker has a package.json file that is ready to go for this

  • Check the wrangler configuration

    The worker wrangler.toml has a config that is ready to be deployed, but any of the settings can be changed if needed, just be sure to note what changes are made when binding to it

  • Deploy the worker using wrangler


The acheron worker is not made to be called directly, instead use one of the library functions for the corresponding auth type, as the auth functions have additional logic to handle being inside an application. The auth functions should be used as middleware (run before route code) to ensure that auth is handled before route code needs to use its results. To see specifics on how to use the auth functions, check out the examples folder in the repo.

In order for acheron to route properly, your app will need to have a route for the login methods to respond to (/login/<auth type>).

Env Variables

These env vars need to be configured in the worker/pages func that is calling the auth. That allows multiple applications to reuse the library worker, since it doesn't need to be configured for every application.

NOTE: All variables that deal with origins must include the protocol + domain (ex: https://company.okta.com, http://localhost:45067).

Required for All Auth

  • jwt_secret

    The secret that will be used to sign and verify the JWTs used by the library for auth

Optional for All Auth

  • app_origin

    If set, the library will use this origin for building the redirect URLs that are required for the auth processes. If not set, the library will use the origin the application is deployed on. The main use of this is for testing workers locally that have cf routes set, as wrangler will use that origin internally for local dev, even though the code is running on the localhost domain.

Github Variables

  • github_client_id
  • github_client_secret

Twitch Variables

  • twitch_client_id
  • twitch_client_secret

Auth0 Variables

  • auth0_client_id
  • auth0_client_secret
  • auth0_origin

Okta Variables

  • okta_client_id
  • okta_client_secret
  • okta_origin


See the examples folder of the repo for usage in a few scenarios.

The pages and worker examples show basic middlware usage, the hono-worker example shows how the auth result can be used to customize where login is enforced in an app.




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  • axel669