Note: This project is a test utility that assits with testing the packages maintained at the Azure SDK for JavaScript repository. This is not intended for the public utilization.
This library provides a TokenCredential
implementation for testing Azure SDK packages. This library is supposed to be utilized along with the @azure-tools/test-recorder
library for testing Azure SDKs.
Add this library as a dev dependency in your project.
rush add -p @azure-tools/test-credential --dev
import { createTestCredential } from "@azure-tools/test-credential";
const credential = createTestCredential();
This library provides the credential to be used in the tests
In playback mode
- returns a
(does not make a request to AAD and produces a fake access_token)
In record/live modes
- returns a
(expects AZURE_TENANT_ID, AZURE_CLIENT_ID, AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET in your environment or in the .env file) - AAD traffic won't be recorded if this credential is used.
Try out this package in your application and provide feedback!
Log an issue at
If you'd like to contribute to this library, please read the contributing guide to learn more about how to build and test the code.