TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

1.0.0 • Public • Published


TUID (Timestamp-based Unique ID) is a simple, efficient, and scalable package for generating sortable, unique, and unlimited timestamp-based unique identifiers (TUIDs). It offers functions for generating, validating, and parsing TUIDs, all implemented with minimal dependencies and full TypeScript support.


  • Sortable: TUIDs are generated in a way that ensures they are lexicographically sortable based on the timestamp.
  • Unlimited: You can generate as many unique IDs as you need without worry about collisions.
  • Timestamp-based: The IDs include a timestamp for easy chronological sorting.
  • Validation: Check whether a string is a valid TUID and identify its version.
  • Parsing: Decompose a TUID into its meaningful components, such as timestamp, machine ID, sequence number, and additional random strings.
  • TypeScript Support: Fully typed to take advantage of TypeScript features.


To install TUID, simply run:

npm install @badrddinb/tuid

or, using Yarn:

yarn add @badrddinb/tuid


TUID is designed to be straightforward. Here's how to generate, validate, and parse TUIDs in your project:

Generate a TUID

import TUIDGenerator from 'tuid';

// Create a new generator for TUID v1 (current version)
const generator = new TUIDGenerator(1);

// Generate a TUID
const tuid = generator.generateV1();
console.log(tuid); // Outputs a unique, sortable TUID like "1697034958283-512-3-abc1-def2"

Validate a TUID

You can validate if a string is a valid TUID and optionally check for the version.

import TUIDGenerator from 'tuid';

// A valid TUID string
const tuid = '1697034958283-512-3-abc1-def2';

const isValid = TUIDGenerator.isValidTUID(tuid);
console.log(isValid); // true or false

Parse a TUID

A TUID can be parsed into its individual components:

import TUIDGenerator from 'tuid';

// A valid TUID string
const tuid = '1697034958283-512-3-abc1-def2';

const parsed = TUIDGenerator.parseTUID(tuid);

  "timestamp": 1697034958283,
  "machineId": 512,
  "sequence": 3,
  "randomString1": "abc1",
  "randomString2": "def2"

Get TUID Version

Determine the version of a given TUID (currently, only version 1 is supported):

import TUIDGenerator from 'tuid';

const tuid = '1697034958283-512-3-abc1-def2';
const version = TUIDGenerator.getTUIDVersion(tuid);
console.log(version); // 'v1'

API Reference


constructor(machineId: number)

  • machineId: The ID of the machine generating the TUID. This must be a value between 0 and 1023.

generateV1(): string

Generates a new TUID v1, which is sortable, unique, and timestamp-based.

static isValidTUID(tuid: string): boolean

Checks if a given string is a valid TUID v1.

static getTUIDVersion(tuid: string): 'v1' | 'unknown'

Returns the version of the TUID if it's valid, otherwise returns 'unknown'.

static parseTUID(tuid: string): { timestamp: number, machineId: number, sequence: number, randomString1: string, randomString2: string } | null

Parses a TUID into its components: timestamp, machine ID, sequence number, and two random strings.


TUID is fully written in TypeScript and includes type declarations for seamless integration into TypeScript projects. Here’s an example:

import TUIDGenerator from 'tuid';

const generator: TUIDGenerator = new TUIDGenerator(1);
const tuid: string = generator.generateV1();


If you wish to define a custom type for TUIDs:

export type TUID = `${number}-${number}-${number}-${string}-${string}`;

This allows you to use the TUID type in your project:

const id: TUID = generator.generateV1();


Feel free to contribute by opening issues, suggesting features, or submitting pull requests. For any contributions:

  1. Fork the repository
  2. Create a new branch (`git checkout -b feature-branch`)
  3. Commit your changes (`git commit -m 'Add new feature'`)
  4. Push to the branch (`git push origin feature-branch`)
  5. Open a pull request


This project is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC 4.0). Learn more about the license here.

This means:

  • You can use, modify, and distribute this code as long as it's for non-commercial purposes.
  • Proper attribution is required.
  • Commercial use of this package is not permitted.


Inspired by common UUID and ULID libraries, with added support for sorting and parsing.

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  • badrddinb