This package allows you to connect to JSONPad and manage your lists, items and indexes without needing to use the RESTful API directly.
npm install @basementuniverse/jsonpad-sdk
Create an instance of the JSONPad SDK and pass in your API token:
Node (JS):
const JSONPad = require('@basementuniverse/jsonpad-sdk').default;
const jsonpad = new JSONPad('your-api-token');
Node (TS):
import JSONPad from '@basementuniverse/jsonpad-sdk';
const jsonpad = new JSONPad('your-api-token');
<script src=""></script>
const jsonpad = new JSONPad.default('your-api-token');
const list: List = await jsonpad.createList({
name: 'My List',
description: 'This is my list',
schema: {
type: 'object',
properties: {
name: { type: 'string' },
age: { type: 'number' },
required: ['name', 'age'],
const lists: List[] = await jsonpad.fetchLists({
page: 1,
limit: 10,
order: 'createdAt',
direction: 'desc',
const list: List = await jsonpad.fetchList('list-id');
const results: SearchResult[] = await jsonpad.searchList(
'search query',
includeItems: true,
includeData: true,
const stats: ListStats = await jsonpad.fetchListStats(
days: 7,
const events: Event[] = await jsonpad.fetchListEvents(
page: 1,
limit: 10,
order: 'createdAt',
direction: 'desc',
startAt: new Date('2021-01-01'),
endAt: new Date('2021-12-31'),
const event: Event = await jsonpad.fetchListEvent(
const list: List = await jsonpad.updateList('list-id', {
name: 'My Updated List',
description: 'This is my updated list',
await jsonpad.deleteList('list-id');
const item: Item = await jsonpad.createItem('list-id', {
data: {
name: 'Alice',
age: 30,
description: 'This is Alice',
const items: Item[] = await jsonpad.fetchItems('list-id', {
page: 1,
limit: 10,
order: 'createdAt',
direction: 'desc',
const itemsData: any[] = await jsonpad.fetchItemsData(
page: 1,
limit: 10,
order: 'createdAt',
direction: 'desc',
const item: Item = await jsonpad.fetchItem(
const itemData: any = await jsonpad.fetchItemData(
const itemData: any = await jsonpad.fetchItemData(
path: '<JSON Path>',
pointer: '<JSON Pointer>',
const stats: ItemStats = await jsonpad.fetchItemStats(
days: 7,
const events: Event[] = await jsonpad.fetchItemEvents(
page: 1,
limit: 10,
order: 'createdAt',
direction: 'desc',
startAt: new Date('2021-01-01'),
endAt: new Date('2021-12-31'),
const event: Event = await jsonpad.fetchItemEvent(
const item: Item = await jsonpad.updateItem(
data: {
name: 'Alice',
age: 31,
description: 'This is Alice',
const itemData: any = await jsonpad.updateItemData(
name: 'Alice',
age: 31,
pointer: '<JSON Pointer>',
const itemData: any = await jsonpad.replaceItemData(
name: 'Alice',
age: 31,
pointer: '<JSON Pointer>',
const itemData: any = await jsonpad.patchItemData(
{ op: 'add', path: '/name', value: 'Alice' },
{ op: 'add', path: '/age', value: 31 },
pointer: '<JSON Pointer>',
await jsonpad.deleteItem('list-id', 'item-id');
const itemData: any = await jsonpad.deleteItemData(
pointer: '<JSON Pointer>',
const index: Index = await jsonpad.createIndex('list-id', {
name: 'Name',
description: 'Name index',
pathName: 'name',
valueType: 'string',
alias: false,
sorting: true,
filtering: true,
searching: true,
defaultOrderDirection: 'asc',
const indexes: Index[] = await jsonpad.fetchIndexes('list-id', {
page: 1,
limit: 10,
order: 'createdAt',
direction: 'desc',
const index: Index = await jsonpad.fetchIndex(
const stats: IndexStats = await jsonpad.fetchIndexStats(
days: 7,
const events: Event[] = await jsonpad.fetchIndexEvents(
page: 1,
limit: 10,
order: 'createdAt',
direction: 'desc',
startAt: new Date('2021-01-01'),
endAt: new Date('2021-12-31'),
const event: Event = await jsonpad.fetchIndexEvent(
const index: Index = await jsonpad.updateIndex(
name: 'Updated Name',
description: 'Updated name index',
pathName: 'name',
valueType: 'string',
alias: false,
sorting: true,
filtering: true,
searching: true,
defaultOrderDirection: 'asc',
await jsonpad.deleteIndex('list-id', 'index-id');
The SDK includes TypeScript types for the JSONPad API. You can import them like so:
import JSONPad, {
} from '@basementuniverse/jsonpad-sdk';
type List = {
id: string;
createdAt: Date;
updatedAt: Date;
user: User;
name: string;
description: string;
pathName: string;
schema: any;
pinned: boolean;
readonly: boolean;
realtime: boolean;
protected: boolean;
indexable: boolean;
generative: boolean;
generativePrompt: string;
activated: boolean;
itemCount: number;
type Item = {
id: string;
createdAt: Date;
updatedAt: Date;
data: any;
description: string;
version: string;
readonly: boolean;
activated: boolean;
size: number;
type Index = {
id: string;
createdAt: Date;
updatedAt: Date;
name: string;
description: string;
pathName: string;
pointer: string;
valueType: IndexValueType;
alias: boolean;
sorting: boolean;
filtering: boolean;
searching: boolean;
defaultOrderDirection: OrderDirection;
activated: boolean;
type Event = {
id: string;
createdAt: Date;
updatedAt: Date;
user: User;
modelId: string;
stream: EventStream;
type: ListEventType | ItemEventType | IndexEventType;
version: string;
snapshot: any;
attachments: any;
type User = {
id: string;
createdAt: Date;
updatedAt: Date;
lastActiveAt: Date | null;
activated: boolean;
displayName: string;
description: string;
type EventOrderBy =
| 'createdAt'
| 'type';
type EventStream = 'list' | 'item' | 'index';
type IndexEventType =
| 'index-created'
| 'index-updated'
| 'index-deleted';
type IndexOrderBy =
| 'createdAt'
| 'updatedAt'
| 'name'
| 'pathName'
| 'valueType'
| 'alias'
| 'sorting'
| 'filtering'
| 'searching'
| 'defaultOrderDirection'
| 'activated';
type IndexStats = {
events: {
total: number;
totalThisPeriod: number;
metrics: {
date: Date;
count: number;
types: {
[type in IndexEventType]: number;
type IndexValueType = 'string' | 'number' | 'date';
type ItemEventType =
| 'item-created'
| 'item-updated'
| 'item-restored'
| 'item-deleted';
type ItemOrderBy = string | 'createdAt' | 'updatedAt';
type ItemStats = {
events: {
total: number;
totalThisPeriod: number;
metrics: {
date: Date;
count: number;
types: {
[type in ItemEventType]: number;
type ListEventType =
| 'list-created'
| 'list-updated'
| 'list-deleted';
type ListOrderBy =
| 'createdAt'
| 'updatedAt'
| 'name'
| 'pathName'
| 'pinned'
| 'readonly'
| 'realtime'
| 'indexable'
| 'protected'
| 'activated';
type ListStats = {
maxItems: number;
maxIndexes: number;
items: {
total: number;
totalThisPeriod: number;
metrics: {
date: Date;
count: number;
lists: {
[id: string]: number;
indexes: {
total: number;
totalThisPeriod: number;
metrics: {
date: Date;
count: number;
lists: {
[id: string]: number;
events: {
total: number;
totalThisPeriod: number;
metrics: {
date: Date;
count: number;
types: {
[type in ListEventType]: number;
type OrderDirection = 'asc' | 'desc';
type PaginatedRequest<T extends string> = {
page: number;
limit: number;
order: T;
direction: OrderDirection;
type SearchResult = (
relevance: number;
id: string;
} | {
relevance: number;
item: Item;