Template Cleaning Tool
A helper to convert oc get [objects]
call into a template
A small node js script is provided to strip away useless defaults that are generated from a command
like oc get all --export=true -o yaml > somefile.yaml
This command pulls down all objects including their preset metadata which is useless in the context of a reusable template.
What does the Node Script do?
Strips out:
- clusterIp references
- metadata.creationTimestamp
- metadata.selfLink
- metadata.namespace
- metadata.resourceVersion
- uids
- useless openshift objects like replica sets and replication controllers and pods
Optionally it can convert a list into a template
How to use
requires Node JS 10.15.3 or higher
npx @bcgov/oc-template -h
- Auto-parameterizing templates
pr your suggestions in here in a list
- template linting/verification
- testing setup with mocha/chai
Working on
- no suggestions yet! Make an issue!