A Node.js all-in-one opinionated package intended for backend projects.
- Framework: NestJS
- HTTP Server: Fastify
- HTTP Client: Fetch
- Caching: ioredis (distributed) or in-memory (local)
- ORM: MikroORM
- Swagger: Redoc
- Logs: Loki
- Metrics: Prometheus
- Tracing: Tempo with OpenTelemetry
- [App] Fastify Adapter
- [Cache] Inbound Caching
- [Config] Environment Variables
- [Context] Request, Response and Metadata
- [Doc] Redoc and OpenAPI
- [Http] Fetch API
- [Log] Loki
- [Memory] Volatile Storage with TTL
- [Metric] Prometheus
- [ORM] MikroORM and Schema Sync
- [Promise] Retry, Timeout and Limiting
- [Trace] Open Telemetry
This framework is frequently revised in order to keep dependencies up to date.
However, the following packages are currently behind latest version:
Latest requires ESM