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6.0.0-rc.0 • Public • Published




Capacitor plugin for Google Auth.

npm npm npm Dependents (via libraries.io) install size


1. Install package

npm i --save @belongnet/capacitor-google-auth

# pnpm
pnpm add @belongnet/capacitor-google-auth

# yarn
yarn add @belongnet/capacitor-google-auth

2. Update capacitor deps

npx cap update


If need migrate to different Capacitor versions see instruction for migrate plugin to new version.



Register plugin and manually initialize

import { GoogleAuth } from '@belongnet/capacitor-google-auth';

// use hook after platform dom ready
  clientId: 'CLIENT_ID.apps.googleusercontent.com',
  scopes: ['profile', 'email'],
  grantOfflineAccess: true,

or if need use meta tags (Optional):

<meta name="google-signin-client_id" content="{your client id here}" />
<meta name="google-signin-scope" content="profile email" />


  • clientId - The app's client ID, found and created in the Google Developers Console.
  • scopes – same as Configure scopes
  • grantOfflineAccess – boolean, default false, Set if your application needs to refresh access tokens when the user is not present at the browser.

Use it



init hook

// app.component.ts
constructor() {

initializeApp() {
  this.platform.ready().then(() => {

sign in function

import { GoogleAuth } from "@belongnet/capacitor-google-auth";
import { Auth, GoogleAuthProvider, signInWithCredential } from '@angular/fire/auth';

async googleSignIn() {
  let googleUser = await GoogleAuth.signIn();

    If you use Firebase you can forward and use the logged in Google user like this:
  constructor(private auth: Auth){}

  const googleUser = await GoogleAuth.signIn();
  const _credential = GoogleAuthProvider.credential(googleUser.authentication.idToken);
  return signInWithCredential(this.auth, _credential);

Vue 3

<script setup lang="ts">
import { defineComponent, onMounted } from 'vue';
import { GoogleAuth } from '@belongnet/capacitor-google-auth';

onMounted(() => {

async function logIn() {
  const response = await GoogleAuth.signIn();

or see more CapacitorGoogleAuth-Vue3-example


  1. Create in Google cloud console credential Client ID for iOS and get Client ID and iOS URL scheme

  2. Add identifier REVERSED_CLIENT_ID as URL schemes to Info.plist from iOS URL scheme
    (Xcode: App - Targets/App - Info - URL Types, click plus icon)

  3. Set Client ID one of the ways:

    1. Set in capacitor.config.json
      • iosClientId - specific key for iOS
      • clientId - or common key for Android and iOS
    2. Download GoogleService-Info.plist file with CLIENT_ID and copy to ios/App/App necessarily through Xcode for indexing.

plugin first use iosClientId if not found use clientId if not found use value CLIENT_ID from file GoogleService-Info.plist

Maybe need re-check structure manually in Info.plist, it should be like this:


Is you don't use capacitor config, you can set clientId in initialize method specifically for platform:

      Capacitor.getPlatform() === 'ios'
        ? import.meta.env.VITE_GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID_IOS
        : import.meta.env.VITE_GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID,


Set Client ID :

  1. In capacitor.config.json

    • androidClientId - specific key for Android
    • clientId - or common key for Android and iOS
  2. or set inside your strings.xml

plugin first use androidClientId if not found use clientId if not found use value server_client_id from file strings.xml

  <string name="server_client_id">Your Web Client Key</string>

Changing Play Services Auth version (Optional) :

This plugin uses com.google.android.gms:play-services-auth:21.2.0 by default, you can override it providing gmsPlayServicesAuthVersion at variables.gradle

Refresh method

This method should be called when the app is initialized to establish if the user is currently logged in. If true, the method will return an accessToken, idToken and an empty refreshToken.

checkLoggedIn() {
        .then((data) => {
            if (data.accessToken) {
                this.currentTokens = data;
        .catch((error) => {
            if (error.type === 'userLoggedOut') {


Name Type Description
clientId string The app's client ID, found and created in the Google Developers Console.
iosClientId string Specific client ID key for iOS
androidClientId string Specific client ID key for Android
scopes string[] Scopes that you might need to request to access Google APIs
serverClientId string This ClientId used for offline access and server side handling
forceCodeForRefreshToken boolean Force user to select email address to regenerate AuthCode
used to get a valid refreshtoken (work on iOS and Android)

Provide configuration in root capacitor.config.json

  "plugins": {
    "GoogleAuth": {
      "scopes": ["profile", "email"],
      "serverClientId": "xxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.apps.googleusercontent.com",
      "forceCodeForRefreshToken": true

or in capacitor.config.ts

/// <reference types="'@belongnet/capacitor-google-auth'" />

const config: CapacitorConfig = {
  plugins: {
    GoogleAuth: {
      scopes: ['profile', 'email'],
      serverClientId: 'xxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.apps.googleusercontent.com',
      forceCodeForRefreshToken: true,

export default config;

Note: scopes can be configured under initialize function.



initialize(options?: InitOptions) => any

Initializes the GoogleAuthPlugin, loading the gapi library and setting up the plugin.

Param Type Description
options InitOptions - Optional initialization options.

Returns: any

Since: 3.1.0


signIn() => any

Initiates the sign-in process and returns a Promise that resolves with the user information.

Returns: any


refresh() => any

Refreshes the authentication token and returns a Promise that resolves with the updated authentication details.

Returns: any


signOut() => any

Signs out the user and returns a Promise.

Returns: any



Prop Type Description Default Since
clientId string The app's client ID, found and created in the Google Developers Console. Common for Android or iOS. The default is defined in the configuration. 3.1.0
scopes {} Specifies the scopes required for accessing Google APIs The default is defined in the configuration.
grantOfflineAccess boolean Set if your application needs to refresh access tokens when the user is not present at the browser. In response use serverAuthCode key false 3.1.0


Prop Type Description
id string The unique identifier for the user.
email string The email address associated with the user.
name string The user's full name.
familyName string The family name (last name) of the user.
givenName string The given name (first name) of the user.
imageUrl string The URL of the user's profile picture.
serverAuthCode string The server authentication code.
authentication Authentication The authentication details including access, refresh and ID tokens.


Prop Type Description
accessToken string The access token obtained during authentication.
idToken string The ID token obtained during authentication.
refreshToken string The refresh token.



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