TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

1.5.3 • Public • Published

React web3 icons

Package with some of web3 assets, chains and web3 wallets icons for easy use in the React.js ecosystem.



npm i @bgd-labs/react-web3-icons


yarn add @bgd-labs/react-web3-icons


pnpm add @bgd-labs/react-web3-icons


1) You can use AssetIcon component.

AssetIcon type parameters

Parameter Type Description
symbol string The symbol parameter is not case sensitive, you can pass it as AAVE or aave or AaVe. The result will always be the AAVE asset token icon.
mono boolean If true then the icon is displayed in black and white.
assetTag AssetTag Asset tag, can be aToken, a circle is added around the standard icon, and can be stataToken, a circle with cuts is added around the standard icon.
formatSymbol (symbol: string) => string If you have a special condition for asset symbol formatting, you can replace the formatting function inside the component.
import { AssetTag } from "@bgd-labs/react-web3-icons/dist/utils";
import { AssetIcon } from "@bgd-labs/react-web3-icons";
export const ExampleUsage = () => {
  return (
      <AssetIcon symbol="AAVE" assetTag={AssetTag.AToken} mono />

2) You can use ChainIcon component.

ChainIcon type parameters

Parameter Type Description
chainId number Id of the chain.
mono boolean If true then the icon is displayed in black and white.
import { ChainIcon } from "@bgd-labs/react-web3-icons";
export const ExampleUsage = () => {
  return (
      <ChainIcon chainId="1" mono />

3) You can use WalletIcon component.

WalletIcon type parameters

Parameter Type Description
walletName string Name of the wallet for example "Metamask".
mono boolean If true then the icon is displayed in black and white.
import { WalletIcon } from "@bgd-labs/react-web3-icons";
export const ExampleUsage = () => {
  return (
      <WalletIcon walletName="MetaMask" mono />

4) You can use BrandIcon component.

BrandIcon type parameters

Parameter Type Description
addressOrName string Address of the pool or name of the brand for example "Lido".
mono boolean If true then the icon is displayed in black and white.
import { BrandIcon } from "@bgd-labs/react-web3-icons";
export const ExampleUsage = () => {
  return (
    <BrandIcon addressOrName="Lido" mono />

5) The above examples use dynamic loading of icons, but you can also use icons with static loading. This option is not recommended for the AssetIcon.


import { AssetTag } from "@bgd-labs/react-web3-icons/dist/utils";
import { StaticAssetIcon, StaticChainIcon, StaticWalletIcon, StaticBrandIcon } from "@bgd-labs/react-web3-icons";
export const ExampleUsage = () => {
  return (
      <StaticAssetIcon symbol="AAVE" assetTag={AssetTag.AToken} mono />
      <StaticChainIcon chainId="1" mono />
      <StaticWalletIcon walletName="MetaMask" mono />
      <StaticBrandIcon addressOrName="0x4e033931ad43597d96D6bcc25c280717730B58B1" mono />

6) You can get chain or asset name without rpc call. Also you can check installed browser wallet name, and get icon for this wallet.

Get asset name

Parameter Type Description
symbol string The symbol parameter is not case sensitive, you can pass it as AAVE or aave or AaVe. The result will always be the AAVE asset token icon.
formatSymbol (symbol: string) => string If you have a special condition for asset symbol formatting, you can replace the formatting function inside the component.
import { AssetIcon } from "@bgd-labs/react-web3-icons";
export const UsageExample = () => {
  const assetName = getAssetName({ symbol: "aave" });
  return (
      <AssetIcon "aave" />

Get chain name

Parameter Type Description
chainId number Id of the chain.
import { ChainIcon } from "@bgd-labs/react-web3-icons";
export const UsageExample = () => {
  const chainName = getChainName({ chainId: 1 });
  return (
      <ChainIcon chainId={1} />

Check installed wallet name and use icon from package

import { getWeb3WalletName } from "@bgd-labs/react-web3-icons/dist/utils";
import dynamic from "next/dynamic";
import { WalletIcon } from "@bgd-labs/react-web3-icons";
const InstalledBrowserWalletWallet = () => {
  const walletName = getWeb3WalletName();
  return (
      <WalletIcon walletName={walletName} />
export default dynamic(() => Promise.resolve(InstalledBrowserWalletWallet), {
  ssr: false,


2024 BGD Labs

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  • rustem.kurmaev
  • alex_bgd
  • sakulstra
  • andykoz