
0.0.88 • Public • Published


neetoFormEngine-frontend is the library that manages forms across neeto products.


yarn add @bigbinary/neeto-form-engine-frontend

neetoFormEngine-frontend has a few peer dependencies that are required for the proper functioning of the package. Install all the peer dependencies using the below command:

yarn add @bigbinary/neetoui @bigbinary/neeto-icons ramda@^0.28.0 classnames@^2.3.1 formik@2.2.9

Import stylesheet from the following location:

@import "@bigbinary/neeto-form-engine-frontend/dist/main.css";

Add NeetoFormProvider to the root of your application:

import React from "react";

import { NeetoFormProvider } from "@bigbinary/neeto-form-engine-frontend";

const App = () => {
  return (
      <NeetoFormProvider>{/* Other children */}</NeetoFormProvider>


BuildForm component is used to render a form builder.

import { BuildForm } from "@bigbinary/neeto-form-engine-frontend";
prop type description
isEmbedded boolean To apply styles for embedding
id string Form id
onUpdate function Callback for form update
buildRequestArgs object Arguments for build request
showAddQuestionDivider boolean To show add question divider
nonRemovableFields string[] Field kinds that cant be deleted from a form. Accepts array of kinds: name, email, phone, rating, checkbox, dropdown
submitButtonProps object Props for submit button
cancelButtonProps object Props for cancel button
requiredFields string[] Fields that are required. Provided fields will be treated as required by default in the External form, the checkbox for toggling required will be hidden for the fields. Accepts array of kinds: name, email, phone, rating, checkbox, dropdown

ExternalForm component is used to render a form.

import { ExternalForm } from "@bigbinary/neeto-form-engine-frontend";
prop type description
formId string Form id
customSubmitHandler function Custom submit handler to be called instead of internal submit handlers
onBeforeSubmit function Callback for before form submit
onCreateSuccess function Callback for form creation success
showTitle boolean To show form title
submitRequestArgs object Arguments for form submit request payload
footer React.Component To render a Footer Component
submitButtonProps object Props for submit button
cancelButtonProps object Props for cancel button
resetButtonProps object Props for reset button
showPrefixIcons boolean To show prefix icons in input fields
displayThankYou boolean To show thank you message after form submit
className string To apply custom class to the form wrapper
submissionId string To set submission id for updating the form
preview boolean To show form in preview mode
preserveValues boolean To preserve form values in localStorage
formTitle string To set form title
titleProps object To set props for form title
clearValuesOnSubmit boolean To clear local storage values on submit
clearValuesOnReset boolean To clear local storage values on reset
formDomProps object To set props for form element

Submission component is used to render a form result.

import { Submission } from "@bigbinary/neeto-form-engine-frontend";
prop type description
formId string Form id
submissionId string Submission id
className string To apply custom class component wrapper
questionLabelProps object To override props for question label
answerProps object To override props for answer text


useBuildFormState hook is used to get the form state.

import {
} from "@bigbinary/neeto-form-engine-frontend";

const FormBuilder = () => {
  const {
  } = useBuildFormState();

  return <BuildForm />;

useFormSubmission hook is used to fetch the form submission data.

import { useFormSubmission } from "@bigbinary/neeto-form-engine-frontend";

const Component = () => {
  const { submission, isLoading } = useFormSubmission({
    formId: "form-id",
    submissionId: "submission-id",

  return <></>;


Install all the dependencies by executing the following command

yarn install


The neetoFormEngine-frontend package gets auto-published to npm for every new merge to the main branch. You can checkout the publish workflow in git actions to get a live update.

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  • neetohq
  • bigbinarybot
  • neerajdotname