Typescript library to simplify using simplewebauthn and secondary auth methods over GraphQL.
I really like using the SimpleWebAuthn library for Authentication but it has a couple pieces of code that I still end up re-writing over and over - adding the secondary login methods (like single-use code sent to email/text) and setting it up to run over GraphQL, which I use regularly and don't really want to add a bunch of special methods when they are boilerplate inside anyway once I nail down storage.
So, Warden handles that stuff for me. Relies heavily on my Ratchet library for supporting code.
You may wish to read the changelog
yarn install @bitblit/warden
A Note on barrel files - All of Warden's barrel files are one level down. This is because otherwise everything I said above about transitive dependencies gets thrown out the window if you put them all in one big barrel file
Ha! No, seriously - all testing is done using Jest. To run them:
yarn test
Pull requests are welcome, although I'm not sure why you'd be interested!