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0.1.6 • Public • Published


BitkubNextSDK is a JavaScript library designed for developers to interact with the Bitkub Chain blockchain network. It offers various methods for managing user authentication, retrieving user information, and executing transactions on the blockchain.

⚙️ Installation

To install the BitkubNextSDK, use npm, pnpm, or yarn:

npm install @bitkub-chain/sdk.js


pnpm install @bitkub-chain/sdk.js


yarn add @bitkub-chain/sdk.js

📝 Initialization

To initialize the SDK, use the initializeSDK function: You can generate clientID and projectID in Bitkub Chain Playground

Create lib/bitkubchain-sdk/index.ts at root project to initialze SDK

import { initializeSDK, Network } from '@bitkub-chain/sdk.js';

const clientID = 'your-client-id';
const projectID = 'your-project-id';
const network = Network.BKC_TESTNET; // or Network.BKC_MAINNET will comming soon
const initOpts = {
   * @default '/oauth/callback'
  loginRedirectPath: '/oauth/callback',

const sdk = initializeSDK(clientID, projectID, network, initOpts);

🔐 Authentication

First of all, to login with Bitkub NEXT, you have to set up Oauth first: It is the path on the client application’s URL where the authorization server will redirect the user after they have granted or denied access.

  1. Create /oauth/callback page
import { useEffect } from 'react'
import { sdk } from '@lib/bitkubchain-sdk'

export default function Page() {
  useEffect(() => {
    const code = new URLSearchParams(window.location.search).get('code')
    if (code) {
  }, [])

  const exchange = async (code: string) => {
    await sdk.exchangeAuthorizationCode(code)

  return (
      <h2>Callback Page</h2>
      <p>Exchanging code for tokens...</p>
  1. Navigate to the Bitkub Chain Playground and locate the Edit Client ID section to set up your redirect URIs.


  • Default Redirect URI: If you haven’t specified a loginRedirectPath, the default redirect URI will be /oauth/callback. You should configure it as follows:
http://localhost:3000/oauth/callback // For Development Purpose
  • Custom Redirect URI: If you have specified a custom loginRedirectPath, update your redirect URI to match this path:
http://localhost:3000/your-custom-loginRedirectPath // For Development Purpose

🎉 Now you should be able to login with BitkubNext. 🎉


To open a BitkubNext login window:

await sdk.loginWithBitkubNext();


To log out the user:

await sdk.logout();

Exchange Authorization Code

To exchange the authorization code for access and refresh tokens:

const code = 'authorizationCode';
await sdk.exchangeAuthorizationCode(code);

User Information

Get User Info To fetch the user's information:

const userInfo = await sdk.getUserInfo();
Example Response
const userInfo = {
    id: "64c30c0468b02b001c7629a4",
    clientId: "65bc5c4560686a001bda94dc",
    email: "test@bitkubnextsdk.com",
    phone: "+66123456789",
    status: "ACTIVE",
    walletAddress: "0x1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef12345678",

Get User Wallet Address

To fetch the user's wallet address:

const walletAddress = await sdk.getUserWalletAddress();
// 0x1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef12345678

Get User Telephone Number

To fetch the user's telephone number:

const tel = await sdk.getUserTel();
// +661234567890

Get User Email

To fetch the user's email address:

const email = await sdk.getUserEmail();
// test@bitkubnextsdk.com

Get User ID

To fetch the user's ID:

const userID = await sdk.getUserID();
// 65c30c0469a02b001c7629b1

💰 Balances

Property Description Type Example
tokenAddress The address of the token contract string 0x67eBD850304c70d983B2d1b93ea79c7CD6c3F6b5
tokenID The ID of the specific token or asset BigNumberish 1

Get Native Balance

📌 If the network is Network.BKC_MAINNET or Network.BKC_TESTNET, KKUB balance will be returned. Otherwise, the native currency of the network will be returned.

const balance = await sdk.getBalanceNative();
// 1000000000000000000

💡 How to get KKUB

  1. KKUB Contract Address in Network.BKC_TESTNET: 0x1BbE34CF9fd2E0669deEE34c68282ec1e6c44ab0
  2. Request KUB Native coin from Faucet Here
  3. Wrap KUB Native coin using deposit method Here

Get ERC-20 Token Balance

To fetch an ERC-20 token's balance (in Wei):

const balance = await sdk.getBalance20(tokenAddress);
// 1000000000000000000

Get ERC-721 Token Balance

To fetch an ERC-721 token's balance:

const balance = await sdk.getBalance721(tokenAddress);
// 10

Get ERC-1155 Token Balance

To fetch an ERC-1155 token's balance:

const balance = await sdk.getBalance1155(tokenAddress, tokenID);
// 10

📤 Transactions

Property Description Type Example
tokenAddress The address of the token contract string 0x67eBD850304c70d983B2d1b93ea79c7CD6c3F6b5
toAddress The address of the recipient string 0x1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef12345678
amount The amount of tokens to be transferred in wei BigNumberish 1 Ether = 1000000000000000000
tokenID The ID of the specific token or asset BigNumberish 1
functionReadableABI The human-readable format of the function ABI string buyNft(uint256 _recipeIndex, uint256 _amount, address _bitkubNext)
methodParams The parameters used in the method call Array [1, 1]


The SubmitTransactionResponse type represents the response structure for submitting a transaction. Here's a breakdown of its properties:

Property Type Description
approvalExpireTime number The expiration time of the approval in Unix timestamp format.
approvalStatus 'pending' | 'approved' The current status of the approval.
approvalUrl string The URL to approve the transaction.
queueId string The unique identifier for the transaction queue.
const result = {
  approvalExpireTime: 1697740800,
  approvalStatus: "pending",
  approvalUrl: "https://example.com/approve",
  queueId: "648abd81663ss"

Transfer Token

📌 Approval Token

Users must approve an allowance before transferring KAP20 to ensure that only authorized smart contracts can spend their tokens, preventing unauthorized access and protecting their assets.

Property Description Type Example
tokenAddress The address of the token contract string 0x67eBD850304c70d983B2d1b93ea79c7CD6c3F6b5
amount The allowance amount (in Wei) authorizes a smart contract to spend a specified number of your tokens on your behalf. BigNumberish 1 Ether = 1000000000000000000
spenderAddress (Optional) If transfer using transferNative or transfer20, ignore this property. The address of a smart contract or user that has been granted permission to spend tokens on behalf of another address. string 0x123eCF850304c70d983B2d1b93ea79c7CD6c3H6b7

Get Approve Token Allowance

const allowanceAmount = await sdk.getAllowanceToken(tokenAddress, spenderAddress);
// 1000000000000000000

Approve Token

const result = await sdk.approveToken(tokenAddress, amount, spenderAddress);

Now you should be able to transfer KAP20 (including Native)

Transfer Native Token

const result = await sdk.transferNative(toAddress, amount);

Transfer ERC-20 Token

const result = await sdk.transfer20(tokenAddress, toAddress, amount);

Transfer NFT

📌 Approval NFT

Users must approve before transferring NFT to ensure that only authorized smart contracts can send their NFT, preventing unauthorized access and protecting their assets.

Property Description Type Example
tokenAddress The address of the token contract string 0x67eBD850304c70d983B2d1b93ea79c7CD6c3F6b5
operatorAddress (Optional) If transfer using transfer721 or transfer1155, ignore this property. The address of a smart contract or user that has been granted permission to send NFT on behalf of another address. string 0x123eCF850304c70d983B2d1b93ea79c7CD6c3H6b7

Get Is Approved NFT

const isApprovedNFT = await sdk.getIsApprovedNFT(tokenAddress, operatorAddress);
// true/false

Approve NFT

const result = await sdk.approveNFT(tokenAddress, operatorAddress);

Now you should be able to transfer NFT

Transfer ERC-721 Token

const result = await sdk.transfer721(tokenAddress, toAddress, tokenID);

Transfer ERC-1155 Token

const result = await sdk.transfer1155(tokenAddress, toAddress, tokenID, amount);

Send Custom Transaction

const result = await sdk.sendCustomTx(toAddress, functionReadableABI, methodParams);
To sendCustomTx via SDK
const functionReadableABI = "buyNft(uint256 _recipeIndex, uint256 _amount, address _bitkubNext)"
const methodParams = [1, 1]
const result = await sdk.sendCustomTx("0x1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef12345678", functionReadableABI, methodParams);

💡 How to write Smart Contract for Bitkub Next

To allow the Bitkub NEXT user can writing the data on the Smart Contract. The developers need to design the Smart Contract with the additional functions. The additional functions is called through the CallHelper Smart Contract to execute commands on behalf of Bitkub NEXT users, and the function must take the bitkubnext address parameter at the end of the function

Here is an example demonstrating how to structure these functions:

// Function that can be called by any userfunction buyNft(uint256 _recipeIndex, uint256 _amount) external {
  // Metamask or other wallets call this function to buy an NFT

// Function that can only be called by BitkubNEXTfunction buyNft(uint256 _recipeIndex, uint256 _amount, address _bitkubNext) external onlySdkCallHelperRouter {
  // BtikubNEXT call this function to buy an NFT

// Usage
const functionReadableABI = "buyNft(uint256 _recipeIndex, uint256 _amount, address _bitkubNext)"
const methodParams = [1, 1] // Do not have to add `address _bitkubNext` param because SDK will automatically add for you

📌 Important Notes

  • Authorization via sdkCallHelperRouter: When an end user invokes a function through the SDK library, the msg.sender interacting with your smart contract will be sdkCallHelperRouter. To ensure that only authorized calls are made to this function, you must include a modifier to check that msg.sender equals sdkCallHelperRouter.
  • The address of the sdkCallHelperRouter in Network.BKC_TESTNET: 0x96f4C25E4fEB02c8BCbAdb80d0088E0112F728Bc

Here is an example demonstrating how to write a modifier:

modifier onlySdkCallHelperRouter() {
   require(msg.sender == sdkCallHelperRouter, "Authorization: restricted only sdk call helper router");

By enforcing this check, you protect your contract from unauthorized access and ensure that only calls made through the SDK are processed.

Fetch Transaction Details

const details = await sdk.getTransactionDetails(queueId);


The TransactionResponse type represents the response structure for a transaction. Here's a breakdown of its properties:

Property Type Description
errorMessage string A message describing any error that occurred.
queueId string The unique identifier for the transaction queue.
signature string The signature associated with the transaction.
status TransactionStatus The current status of the transaction.
txHash string The transaction hash.
createdTime number The timestamp when the transaction was created.
updatedTime number The timestamp when the transaction was last updated.

Example Response

const details = {
  errorMessage: "",
  queueId: "648abd81663ss",
  signature: "0xabcdef1234567890",
  status: "approved",
  txHash: "0x5c5046e21aefb8db8f9eae3c5e5c8e4a0f9e4c6b77d4efc5b8a1e6e7e5a7b8a0d",
  createdTime: 1697740800,
  updatedTime: 1697827200


This project is licensed under the BBT License.




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