
0.1.5 • Public • Published

Raven CLI

See Also:     🏗 AWS Infrastructure    •    🖼️ React Frontend    •     🚀React Frontend Demo

About The Project

Raven Messenger is a proof-of-concept serverless chat application. This project provides a way to consume the Raven Web APIs from the command line.

Text-based User Interface (TUI)

The text-based user interface lets you browse and send messages like you would in a web browser.

Command Line Interface (CLI)

*Under Construction *

The goal of the CLI is to provide programmatic access to Raven's messages and rooms. This is geared towards making it easier to integrate a chatbot into the platform.

raven <subcommand> [parameters]

Available Subcommands

  • chat
  • configure
  • auth
  • send-message

Getting Started

Before using this project you'll need to create an account using the React Frontend.


Install the application by using the node package manager of your choice:

$ npm install -g @bmcandrews/raven-cli

Once installed, start the TUI by running the raven command:

$ raven

Building from Source

To set up the project, clone the repository and install the dependencies.

$ git clone https://github.com/barrymcandrews/raven-cli
$ cd raven-cli
$ yarn install


  • yarn run build compile TypeScript to JavaScript
  • yarn run start run the app in development mode
  • yarn run local install the app globally, then run the app

CLI Subcommands


Starts the Raven TUI.

raven chat


Configures connection settings and saves them to the .raven file. This opens an interactive prompt with questions for the user. The default settings will connect the user to my instance of the Raven backend.

raven configure


Attempts to authenticate with the Raven backend. First it tries to use the tokens stored in the .raven file. If the CLI finds no tokens, it will prompt the user for a username and password. Once authenticated, all tokens will be saved to the .raven file. This allows a user to make subsequent calls to the API without having to enter a username and password every time.

raven auth [-u --user]
$ raven auth | jq
  "accessToken": "[ACCESS_TOKEN]",
  "idToken": "[ID_TOKEN]",
  "refreshToken": "[REFRESH_TOKEN]",
  "username": "barrydalive"


Sends a message to a chat room.

raven send-message [--room room-name] [--message message]
$ raven send-message --room my-fun-room --message "What's up?"


Barry McAndrews - bmcandrews@pitt.edu

Project Link: https://github.com/barrymcandrews/raven-cli

Package Sidebar


npm i @bmcandrews/raven-cli

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  • bmcandrews