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0.22.0 • Public • Published

InputNumber Component

A customizable input number component with increment and decrement buttons, label, error message support, and value formatting options.


Use the package manager npm or yarn to install the component and its dependencies.

npm install @bolttech/frontend-foundations @bolttech/atoms-input-number


yarn add @bolttech/frontend-foundations @bolttech/atoms-input-number


The InputNumber component accepts the following properties:

Prop Type Description
id string The id attribute of the input number component.
dataTestId string The data-testid attribute for testing.
disabled boolean Whether the input number is disabled or not.
errorMessage string An error message to be displayed.
label string A label to describe the input number.
onChange (value: number) => void Event handler when the input number value changes.
placeholder string Placeholder text to display when the value is zero and placeholder is not provided.
required boolean Whether the input number is required or not.
value number The value of the input number.
min number The minimum allowed value for the input number.
max number The maximum allowed value for the input number.
step number By how much each change should change the value of the input
template string A template string to format the display of the value, using $value as a placeholder.
variant 'grey' or 'border' The variant of the input number component (default is 'grey').
helperMessage string An optional string to display as a helper message for the input number.
...props object Additional props that can be passed to the HTML input element.


import React, { useState } from 'react';
import { InputNumber } from '@bolttech/atoms-input-number';
import { bolttechTheme, BolttechThemeProvider } from '@bolttech/frontend-foundations';

const ExampleComponent = () => {
  const [inputValue, setInputValue] = useState(5);

  const handleInputChange = (newValue) => {

  return (
    <BolttechThemeProvider theme={bolttechTheme}>
      <InputNumber id="input-number-id" dataTestId="custom-input-number" label="Quantity" value={inputValue} min={1} max={10} onChange={handleInputChange} placeholder="Enter quantity" variant="border" />

export default ExampleComponent;


Contributions are welcome! For any bug fixes, improvements, or new features, please open an issue or submit a pull request.

Please make sure to follow the code standards and test your changes before submitting.




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