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6.2.0-beta.17 • Public • Published


Unofficial Capacitor plugin for ML Kit Face Mesh Detection.1


npm install @bperel/face-mesh-detection
npx cap sync



This plugin will use the following project variables (defined in your app’s variables.gradle file):

  • $mlkitFaceMeshDetectionVersion version of com.google.mlkit:face-mesh-detection (default: 16.0.0-beta1)


No configuration required for this plugin.


A working example can be found here: robingenz/capacitor-mlkit-plugin-demo


import { FaceMeshDetection, UseCase } from '@bperel/face-mesh-detection';

const processImage = async () => {
  const { faceMeshs } = await FaceMeshDetection.processImage({
    path: 'path/to/image.jpg',
    useCase: UseCase.FaceMesh,
  return faceMeshs;



processImage(options: ProcessImageOptions) => Promise<ProcessImageResult>

Detects face mesh from the supplied image.

Only available on Android.

Param Type
options ProcessImageOptions

Returns: Promise<ProcessImageResult>

Since: 5.3.0



Prop Type Description Since
faceMeshs FaceMesh[] The detected face meshs. 5.3.0


Represents a face mesh detected by FaceMeshDetector.

When BoundingBoxOnly is selected, FaceMesh only contains valid bounding box.

When FaceMesh is selected, FaceMesh also contains a group of 468 3D face mesh points and related triangle information. Each point is represented by FaceMeshPoint describing a specific position in detected face. The triangle information is a group of 3 FaceMeshPoints representing a valid surface on Face (e.g. a valid small surface on nose tip).

Prop Type Description Since
bounds Rect Returns the axis-aligned bounding rectangle of the detected face mesh. 5.3.0
contours Contours Returns contours with a list of FaceMeshPoint representing the detected face. 5.3.0
faceMeshPoints FaceMeshPoint[] Returns a list of FaceMeshPoint representing the whole detected face. 5.3.0
triangles Triangle[] Returns a list of Triangle representing logical triangle surfaces of detected face. Each Triangle contains 3 FaceMeshPoint, representing 3 points of the triangle surface. The sequence of the 3 points are constant and always counter clockwise in face mesh. 5.3.0


Rect holds four integer coordinates for a rectangle.

Prop Type Description Since
left number The X coordinate of the left side of the rectangle. 5.3.0
top number The Y coordinate of the top of the rectangle. 5.3.0
right number The X coordinate of the right side of the rectangle. 5.3.0
bottom number The Y coordinate of the bottom of the rectangle. 5.3.0


Represents contours with their face mesh points.

Prop Type Description Since
faceOval FaceMeshPoint[] Returns all points for the FaceOval contour. 5.3.0
leftEyebrowTop FaceMeshPoint[] Returns all points for the LeftEyebrowTop contour. 5.3.0
leftEyebrowBottom FaceMeshPoint[] Returns all points for the LeftEyebrowBottom contour. 5.3.0
rightEyebrowTop FaceMeshPoint[] Returns all points for the RightEyebrowTop contour. 5.3.0
rightEyebrowBottom FaceMeshPoint[] Returns all points for the RightEyebrowBottom contour. 5.3.0
leftEye FaceMeshPoint[] Returns all points for the LeftEye contour. 5.3.0
rightEye FaceMeshPoint[] Returns all points for the RightEye contour. 5.3.0
upperLipTop FaceMeshPoint[] Returns all points for the UpperLipTop contour. 5.3.0
upperLipBottom FaceMeshPoint[] Returns all points for the UpperLipBottom contour. 5.3.0
lowerLipTop FaceMeshPoint[] Returns all points for the LowerLipTop contour. 5.3.0
lowerLipBottom FaceMeshPoint[] Returns all points for the LowerLipBottom contour. 5.3.0
noseBridge FaceMeshPoint[] Returns all points for the NoseBridge contour. 5.3.0


Represents a 3D point in face mesh.

The index is an unique ID meaning a fixed position on face, ranging from 0 to 467.

In Point3D, x and y are pixel location of detected face in InputImage. z is also scaled to image size, while the origin will be somewhere in the center of all 468 face mesh points.

Prop Type Description Since
index number Gets the index of the face mesh point, ranging from 0 to 467. For each specific point, the index is a constant value. 5.3.0
point Point3D Gets a 3D point in face mesh. Inside Point3D, X and Y means a 2D position in original image. More information on the Z value: - The unit of measure for the Z value is the same as X and Y. - The smaller the Z value, the closer that landmark is to the camera. - The Z origin is approximately at the center of all 468 face mesh points. Z value will be negative if the point is close to camera and will be positive if the point is away from the camera. 5.3.0


Represents a 3D point.

Prop Type Description Since
x number Returns the X value of the point. 5.3.0
y number Returns the Y value of the point. 5.3.0
z number Returns the Z value of the point. 5.3.0


Represents a triangle with 3 generic points.

Prop Type Description Since
points FaceMeshPoint[] Returns all points inside the Triangle. 5.3.0


Prop Type Description Default Since
path string The local path to the image file. 5.3.0
useCase UseCase Sets the use case. When BoundingBoxOnly is selected, the returned FaceMesh only contains bounding box. When FaceMesh is selected, the returned FaceMesh contains bounding box as well as 468 FaceMeshPoint and triangle information. It detects at most 2 faces in this case and it is slower than BoundingBoxOnly. UseCase.FaceMesh 5.3.0



Members Value Description Since
BoundingBoxOnly 0 Return bounding box for detected face. 5.3.0
FaceMesh 1 Return face mesh info for detected face. It detects at most 2 faces in this use case. 5.3.0

Terms & Privacy

This plugin uses the Google ML Kit:





  1. This project is not affiliated with, endorsed by, sponsored by, or approved by Google LLC or any of their affiliates or subsidiaries.



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