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0.2.0 • Public • Published

NgRx Entity Schematic

An Angular schematic for quickly scaffolding NgRx Entities with actions, effects, reducer, model, service, and passing specs.

How to Use

Install the necessary NgRx Entity libraries in your project

yarn add @ngrx/{effects,entity,router-store,store,store-devtools} ngrx-store-freeze
yarn add -D jasmine-marbles

Run the schematic

ng add @briebug/ngrx-entity-schematic

This will add the schematic as a project dependency if not already and provide prompts for configuration.

Entity name

The ENTITY name provided should either be camel case or dasherized (customerOrder || customer-order)

Optional - run the schematic with inline options

ng add @briebug/ngrx-entity-schematic ENTITY

Generate Entity files at a specific relative path: --path

ng add @briebug/ngrx-entity-schematic ENTITY --path PATH/TO/WRITE

Generate Entity files with NgRx setup files: --init

ng add @briebug/ngrx-entity-schematic ENTITY --init --path PATH/TO/WRITE
  • ENTITY, --path, and --init flags can be used together.
  • ENTITY is required as the first argument after the schematic name

What it generates

This schematic accepts an entity name and scaffolds all the necessary files for utilizing the NgRx Entity Library. For example, if you run the schematic for the entity customer, you'll end up with the following:

ng add @briebug/ngrx-entity-schematic customer --path app/state
├── state/
│   └── customer
│       ├── customer.actions.ts
│       ├── customer.effects.spec.ts
│       ├── customer.effects.ts
│       ├── customer.model.ts
│       ├── customer.reducer.spec.ts
│       ├── customer.reducer.ts
│       ├── customer.service.ts
│       ├── index.ts

the --init option provides 4 additional files

ng add @briebug/ngrx-entity-schematic customer --init --path app/state
├── state/
│   └── customer
│       ├── customer.actions.ts
│       ├── customer.effects.spec.ts
│       ├── customer.effects.ts
│       ├── customer.model.ts
│       ├── customer.reducer.spec.ts
│       ├── customer.reducer.ts
│       ├── customer.service.ts
│       ├── index.ts
│   ├── app.interfaces.ts          *
│   ├── app.reducer.ts             *
│   ├── state-utils.ts             *
│   ├── state.module.ts            *

Continuing the example of customer, the following are included:

action effect reducer

Other files:

  • index.ts exports all the selectors.
  • customer.service.ts is a provider for your entities - you will need to modify this service to make CRUD calls for your entity. Be aware that the effects expect the methods in this file.
  • customer.model.ts - you can safely replace this but the generated spec files uses exported methods to generate mocks.

Be sure to audit the files and tailor them to your project

Install and use globally

Optionally, you can install the package globally

yarn global add @briebug/ngrx-entity-schematic

Then run the schematic in any project, assuming the angular/cli is installed and available.

ng g @briebug/ngrx-entity-schematic:add

Adding another entity

The schematic does not yet support auto connecting the entity to the root store when running the schematic without the --init option. The following steps will be necessary to connect the entity to the store manually.

The following example assumes that an entity named briebug was first added with the initialization files (--init), followed by another entity named order without the initialization files.

  1. add to the entity state from the entity.reducer.ts to the state/app.interface.ts.
export interface AppState {
  router: RouterReducerState<RouterStateUrl>;
  briebug: BriebugState;
  order: OrderState;
  1. add the entity reducer to the parent/root reducer in state/app.reducer.ts.
export const appReducer: ActionReducerMap<AppState> = {
      briebug: briebugReducer,
      router: routerReducer,
      order: orderReducer
  1. add the effects class to the parent/root Effects module state/state.module.ts in the EffectsModule.forRoot([]) array.
EffectsModule.forRoot([BriebugEffects, OrderEffects]),

Local Development

Link the schematic to the sandbox-app

This will create a symlink in your global packages so that when this schematic package is requested in the sandbox-app, it executes this local directory.

Effectively executing the ./src/ngrx-entity/index.ts every time the schematic is run inside the ./sandbox-app.

yarn link:schematic

Run schematic locally

The most robust way to test schematic changes against the sandbox-app is to reset the sandbox to its version-controlled state, build the schematic code, and execute the schematic against the sandbox-app. Make changes and repeat.

yarn clean:build:launch

You can pass optionally pass arguments to this command

yarn clean:build:launch customerOrders --init --path src/app/state

There are more specific commands that allow for individually running the above workflow. Those scripts can be found in the ./package.json.

Test the schematic prompts

run the launch command with any inline options

yarn launch

Test commands

The test command expects an entity name of briebug to test how the schematic runs inside the sandbox-app. Changing this script should require changes to the sandbox-app and understanding of the consequences.

"test:ci": "yarn clean:build:launch briebug --init && yarn test:sandbox && yarn clean"

Schematic Project Architecture


This is the schematic code that's executed when running ng add @briebug/ngrx-entity-schematic.


This is an application that's used for testing the schematic locally during development. This provides E2E like feedback.

Package Sidebar


npm i @briebug/ngrx-entity-schematic

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  • schuchard
  • inorganik
  • jrista
  • anthonyjones0519