
0.4.0-beta.60 • Public • Published

Connect SDK

The Connect SDK is a TypeScript SDK for interacting with the chains Wormhole supports and the protocols built on top of Wormhole.


⚠️ This package is a Work in Progress so the interface may change and there are likely bugs. Please report any issues you find. ⚠️


Install the primary package

npm install @wormhole-foundation/connect-sdk

As well as any other platforms you wish to use

npm install @wormhole-foundation/connect-sdk-evm
npm install @wormhole-foundation/connect-sdk-solana
npm install @wormhole-foundation/connect-sdk-algorand

And any protocols you intend to use

npm install @wormhole-foundation/connect-sdk-evm-tokenbridge
npm install @wormhole-foundation/connect-sdk-solana-tokenbridge
npm install @wormhole-foundation/connect-sdk-algorand-tokenbridge


A developer would use the connect-sdk package in conjunction with one or more of the chain context packages. Most developers don't use every single chain and may only use a couple, which allows developers to import only the dependencies they actually need.

Getting started is simple, just import and pass in the Platform modules you wish to support as an argument to the Wormhole class.

import { Wormhole, Signer } from "@wormhole-foundation/connect-sdk";
import { EvmPlatform } from "@wormhole-foundation/connect-sdk-evm";
import { SolanaPlatform } from "@wormhole-foundation/connect-sdk-solana";
import { AlgorandPlatform } from "@wormhole-foundation/connect-sdk-algorand";

// Include the protocols you wish to use
// these imports register the protocol to be used by higher level abstractions
// like WormholeTransfers 
import "@wormhole-foundation/connect-sdk-evm-tokenbridge";
import "@wormhole-foundation/connect-sdk-solana-tokenbridge";
import "@wormhole-foundation/connect-sdk-algorand-tokenbridge";

const network = "Mainnet"; // Or "Testnet"
const wh = new Wormhole(network, [EvmPlatform, SolanaPlatform, AlgorandPlatform]);

// Get a ChainContext object for a specific chain
// Useful to do things like get the rpc client, make Protocol clients,
// look up configuration parameters or  even fetch balances
const srcChain = wh.getChain("Ethereum");

// In this SDK, the string literal `'native'` is an alias for the gas token
// native to the chain
const balance = await srcChain.getBalance( "0xdeadbeef...", "native" ) // => BigInt

// returns a TokenBridge client for `srcChain` 
await srcChain.getTokenBridge(); // => TokenBridge<'Evm'>
// util to grab an RPC client, cached after the first call  
srcChain.getRpc(); // => RpcConnection<'Evm'>


Understanding several higher level concepts of the SDK will help in using it effectively.


Every chain is its own special snowflake but many of them share similar functionality. The Platform modules provide a consistent interface for interacting with the chains that share a platform.

Each platform can be installed separately so that dependencies can stay as minimal as possible.

Chain Context

The Wormhole class provides a getChain method that returns a ChainContext object for a given chain. This object provides access to the chain specific methods and utilities. Much of the functionality in the ChainContext is provided by the Platform methods but the specific chain may have overridden methods.

The ChainContext object is also responsible for holding a cached rpc client and protocol clients.

// Get the chain context for the source and destination chains
// This is useful to grab direct clients for the protocols
const srcChain = wh.getChain(senderAddress.chain);
const dstChain = wh.getChain(receiverAddress.chain);

const tb = await srcChain.getTokenBridge(); // => TokenBridge<'Evm'>
srcChain.getRpcClient(); // => RpcClient<'Evm'>


Within the Wormhole context, addresses are often normalized to 32 bytes and referred to in this SDK as a UniversalAddresses.

Each platform comes with an address type that understands the native address formats, unsurprisingly referred to as NativeAddress. This abstraction allows the SDK to work with addresses in a consistent way regardless of the underlying chain.

// Its possible to convert a string address to its Native address
const ethAddr: NativeAddress<"Evm"> = toNative("Ethereum", "0xbeef...");

// A common type in the SDK is the `ChainAddress` which provides
// the additional context of the `Chain` this address is relevant for.
const senderAddress: ChainAddress = Wormhole.chainAddress("Ethereum","0xbeef...");
const receiverAddress: ChainAddress = Wormhole.chainAddress("Solana","Sol1111...");

// Convert the ChainAddress back to its canonical string address format
const strAddress = Wormhole.canonicalAddress(senderAddress); // => '0xbeef...'

// Or if the ethAddr above is for an emitter and you need the UniversalAddress
const emitterAddr = ethAddr.toUniversalAddress().toString()


Similar to the ChainAddress type, the TokenId type provides the Chain and Address of a given Token.

// Returns a TokenId 
const sourceToken: TokenId = Wormhole.tokenId("Ethereum","0xbeef...");

// Whereas the ChainAddress is limited to valid addresses, a TokenId may
// have the string literal 'native' to consistently denote the native
// gas token of the chain
const gasToken: TokenId = Wormhole.tokenId("Ethereum","native");

// the same method can be used to convert the TokenId back to its canonical string address format
const strAddress = Wormhole.canonicalAddress(senderAddress); // => '0xbeef...'


In order to sign transactions, an object that fulfils the Signer interface is required. This is a simple interface that can be implemented by wrapping a web wallet or other signing mechanism.

// A Signer is an interface that must be provided to certain methods
// in the SDK to sign transactions. It can be either a SignOnlySigner
// or a SignAndSendSigner depending on circumstances.
// A Signer can be implemented by wrapping an existing offline wallet
// or a web wallet
export type Signer = SignOnlySigner | SignAndSendSigner;

// A SignOnlySender is for situations where the signer is not
// connected to the network or does not wish to broadcast the
// transactions themselves
export interface SignOnlySigner {
  chain(): ChainName;
  address(): string;
  // Accept an array of unsigned transactions and return
  // an array of signed and serialized transactions.
  // The transactions may be inspected or altered before
  // signing.
  // Note: The serialization is chain specific, if in doubt,
  // see the example implementations linked below
  sign(tx: UnsignedTransaction[]): Promise<SignedTx[]>;

// A SignAndSendSigner is for situations where the signer is
// connected to the network and wishes to broadcast the
// transactions themselves
export interface SignAndSendSigner {
  chain(): ChainName;
  address(): string;
  // Accept an array of unsigned transactions and return
  // an array of transaction ids in the same order as the
  // UnsignedTransactions array.
  signAndSend(tx: UnsignedTransaction[]): Promise<TxHash[]>;

See the testing signers (Evm, Solana, ...) for an example of how to implement a signer for a specific chain or platform.


While Wormhole itself is a Generic Message Passing protocol, a number of protocols have been built on top of it to provide specific functionality.

Each Protocol, if available, will have a Platform specific implementation. These implementations provide methods to generate transactions or read state from the contract on-chain.

Wormhole Core

The protocol that underlies all Wormhole activity is the Core protocol. This protocol is responsible for emitting the message containing the information necessary to perform bridging including Emitter address, the Sequence number for the message and the Payload of the message itself.

//  ...
// register the protocol
import "@wormhole-foundation/connect-sdk-solana-core";

// ...

// get chain context
const chain = wh.getChain("Solana");
// Get the core brige client for Solana
const coreBridge = await chain.getWormholeCore();
// Generate transactions necessary to simply publish a message
const publishTxs = coreBridge.publishMessage(address.address, encoding.bytes.encode("lol"), 0, 0);

// ... posibly later, after fetching the signed VAA, generate the transactions to verify the VAA
const verifyTxs = coreBridge.verifyMessage(address.address, vaa);

Within the payload is the information necessary to perform whatever action is required based on the Protocol that uses it.

Token Bridge

The most familiar protocol built on Wormhole is the Token Bridge.

Every chain has a TokenBridge protocol client that provides a consistent interface for interacting with the Token Bridge. This includes methods to generate the transactions required to transfer tokens, as well as methods to generate and redeem attestations.

Using the WormholeTransfer abstractions is the recommended way to interact with these protocols but it is possible to use them directly

import { signSendWait } from "@wormhole-foundation/connect-sdk";

import "@wormhole-foundation/connect-sdk-evm-tokenbridge";

// ...

const tb = await srcChain.getTokenBridge(); // => TokenBridge<'Evm'>

const token = "0xdeadbeef...";
const txGenerator = tb.createAttestation(token); // => AsyncGenerator<UnsignedTransaction, ...>
const txids = await signSendWait(srcChain, txGenerator, src.signer); // => TxHash[]

Supported protocols are defined in the definitions module.

Wormhole Transfer

While using the ChainContext and Protocol clients directly is possible, to do things like transfer tokens, the SDK provides some helpful abstractions.

The WormholeTransfer interface provides a convenient abstraction to encapsulate the steps involved in a cross-chain transfer.

Token Transfers

Performing a Token Transfer is trivial for any source and destination chains.

We can create a new Wormhole object and use it to to create TokenTransfer, CircleTransfer, GatewayTransfer, etc. objects to transfer tokens between chains. The transfer object is responsible for tracking the transfer through the process and providing updates on its status.

// We'll send the native gas token on source chain
const token = "native";

// Format it for base units
const amount = baseUnits(parseAmount(1, srcChain.config.nativeTokenDecimals));

// Create a TokenTransfer object, allowing us to shepherd the transfer through the process and get updates on its status
const manualXfer = wh.tokenTransfer(
  token, // TokenId of the token to transfer or 'native'
  amount, // Amount in base units
  senderAddress, // Sender address on source chain
  recipientAddress, // Recipient address on destination chain
  false, // No Automatic transfer

// 1) Submit the transactions to the source chain, passing a signer to sign any txns
const srcTxids = await manualXfer.initiateTransfer(src.signer);

// 2) Wait for the VAA to be signed and ready (not required for auto transfer)
// Note: Depending on chain finality, this timeout may need to be increased.
// See https://docs.wormhole.com/wormhole/reference/constants#consistency-levels for more info on specific chain finality.
const timeout = 60_000;
const attestIds = await manualXfer.fetchAttestation(timeout);

// 3) Redeem the VAA on the destination chain
const destTxids = await manualXfer.completeTransfer(dst.signer);

Internally, this uses the TokenBridge protocol client to transfer tokens. The TokenBridge protocol, like other Protocols, provides a consistent set of methods across all chains to generate a set of transactions for that specific chain.

See the example here.

Native USDC Transfers

We can also transfer native USDC using Circle's CCTP

// OR for an native USDC transfer
const usdcXfer = wh.cctpTransfer(
  1_000_000n, // amount in base units (1 USDC)
  senderAddress, // Sender address on source chain
  recipientAddress, // Recipient address on destination chain
  false, // Automatic transfer

// 1) Submit the transactions to the source chain, passing a signer to sign any txns
const srcTxids = await usdcXfer.initiateTransfer(src.signer);

// 2) Wait for the Circle Attestations to be signed and ready (not required for auto transfer)
// Note: Depending on chain finality, this timeout may need to be increased.
// See https://developers.circle.com/stablecoin/docs/cctp-technical-reference#mainnet for more
const timeout = 120_000;
const attestIds = await usdcXfer.fetchAttestation(timeout);

// 3) Redeem the Circle Attestation on the dest chain
const destTxids = await usdcXfer.completeTransfer(dst.signer);

See the example here.

Automatic Transfers

Some transfers allow for automatic relaying to the destination, in that case only the initiateTransfer is required. The status of the transfer can be tracked by periodically checking the status of the transfer object.

// OR for an automatic transfer
const automaticXfer = wh.tokenTransfer(
  "native", // send native gas on source chain
  amt, // amount in base units
  senderAddress, // Sender address on source chain
  recipientAddress, // Recipient address on destination chain
  true, // Automatic transfer

// 1) Submit the transactions to the source chain, passing a signer to sign any txns
const srcTxids = await automaticXfer.initiateTransfer(src.signer);
// 2) If automatic, we're done, just wait for the transfer to complete
if (automatic) return waitLog(automaticXfer);

Gateway Transfers

Gateway transfers are transfers that are passed through the Wormhole Gateway to or from Cosmos chains.

See the example here.

Recovering Transfers

It may be necessary to recover a transfer that was abandoned before being completed. This can be done by instantiating the Transfer class with the from static method and passing one of several types of identifiers.

A TransactionId may be used

// Note, this will attempt to recover the transfer from the source chain
// and attestation types so it may wait depending on the chain finality
// and when the transactions were issued.
const timeout = 60_000;
const xfer = await TokenTransfer.from(
    chain: "Ethereum",
    txid: "0x1234...",

const dstTxIds = await xfer.completeTransfer(dst.signer);

Or a WormholeMessageId if a VAA is generated

const xfer = await TokenTransfer.from({
  chain: "Ethereum",
  emitter: toNative("Ethereum", emitterAddress).toUniversalAddress(),
  sequence: "0x1234...",

const dstTxIds = await xfer.completeTransfer(dst.signer);

See also

The tsdoc is available here



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