
1.0.8 • Public • Published


Call In App JavaScript SDK for integrating the Call In App features to your web app.

A click & conference - testing site


  • You can change 9999 to any number e.i 8888, 1234,... that will be your unique conferenceId, sharing the link to anyone to join your meeting.
  • It supports high-quality video conference with maximum 64 participants
  • It supports in-call snap chats, desktop sharing
  • As Admin, you can fully control the conference to mute/unmute, noice adjustment, or kick participants out of it.
  • It supports to record the call as well
  • Vice versa

SDK usage guidelines:

Main components:

  • CallInAppSession: For initializing session from client to Call In App server.

    • Constructor:


      • user options:

        • wssUrl: Socket URL to the Call In App Server

        • extension: Extenstion name

        • domain: Domain name

        • password: Plain password

        • callOptions: {

            callerIdName: Caller Id Name
            callerIdNumber: Call Id Number


        • userInfo: {

            // Other info here. Ex. email


        • autoReconnect: Default: true

        • autoRecoveryCall: Auto recovery the call when browser tab closed unexpectedly. Default: true

    • Properties:

      • isLoggedIn: Whether user logged in.
    • Methods:

      • connect(): Connect to the Call In App server with user options
      • close(): Close the connection to the Call In App server.
      • on(EVENT_NAME, callback): Start listening a CallInAppEvent:
        • EVENT_NAME: CallInAppEvent event
        • callback(err, data): Callback function for handling the event.
      • off(EVENT_NAME[, callback]): Stop listening a CallInAppEvent
      • testSpeed(): Test connection speed to the Call In App server. The data will be returned into Promise object or sent to CallInAppEvent.ON_SPEED_CHANGE.
        • Return: Promise({ upDur, downDur, upKps, downKps })
        • on(CallInAppEvent.ON_SPEED_CHANGE, (err, { upDur, downDur, upKps, downKps } ))
      • newCall(options):
        • options:


            destinationNumber: (required) Extension or number
            callerIdName: (optional)
            callerIdNumber: (optional)
            useVideo: (optional) true/false/MediaTrackConstraints
            useAudio: (optional) true/false/MediaTrackConstraints


      - Please refer the detailed docs for MediaTrackConstraints if you really want to use useVideo and useVideo.

  • CallInAppEvent: Events will be emitted during the Call In App Session. We can catch those events with callback functions:

    - Ex:

      const session = new CallInAppSession(user);
      session.on(CallInAppEvent.<EVENT_NAME>, (err, data) => {
          console.log(err, data);
    • ON_READY: On connection ready.
    • ON_CLOSED: On connection closed.
    • ON_ERROR: On connection failed.
    • ON_RETRYING: On connection retrying after disconnected.
    • ON_LOGIN_ERROR: On log in to Call In App server failed.
    • ON_LOGIN_SUCCESS: On log in in successfully
    • ON_SPEED_CHANGE: On speed response after testSpeed() called.
    • ON_USER_MEDIA_ERROR: On permission to get your camera or mic not allowed
    • ON_USER_PEER_ERROR: On RTC connection to server failed.
    • ON_INCOMING_CALL: On incoming call.
    • ON_RECOVERY_CALL: On call recovered after browser/app closed unexpectedly.
    • ON_CALL_LOCAL_STREAM: On local stream attached on a call.
    • ON_CALL_REMOTE_STREAM: On remote stream attached on a call.
    • ON_CALL_STATE_UPDATE: On call state updated
    • ON_CONFERENCE_JOINED: On your presence on a conference.
    • ON_CONFERENCE_LEFT: On your leave on a conference.
    • ON_CONFERENCE_MEMBER_JOINED: On a new member joined your conference.
    • ON_CONFERENCE_MEMBER_LEFT: On a member left your conference.
    • ON_CONFERENCE_MEMBER_UPDATED: On a member in your conference update info.
    • ON_CONFERENCE_MEMBER_CLEARED: On all member in your conference left.
    • ON_CONFERENCE_CHAT_MESSAGE: On a message sent to your conference.
    • ON_CHAT_MESSAGE: Not supported currently
  • CallState:

    • NEW
    • TRYING
    • EARLY
    • ACTIVE
    • HELD
    • HANGUP
    • PURGE
  • CallInAppUtil: Some utility functions:

    • mediaDevices:
      • enumerateDevices(kind)
        • kind: audioinput, videoinput, audiooutput or undefined
      • checkUserMediaPermission(constraints):
  • Call:

    • Properties:
      • id: Call ID
      • localStream: your local MediaStream
      • remoteStream: Remote MediaStream
      • state: CallState: Get call state
      • activeTime: Active time in milliseconds since January 1, 1970 (midnight UTC/GMT).
      • screenShareCall: Sharing call if you're sharing screen
      • callType: inbound/outbound
      • options: Call options
      • isConference: Whether call is a conference.
    • Functions
      • answer(options): Answer a call
      • hangup(options): Hang up call
      • toggleMuteMic()
      • muteMic()
      • unmuteMic()
      • toggleMuteCam()
      • muteCam()
      • unmuteCam()
      • sendDtmf(): Send DTFM code
      • toggleHold()
      • hold()
      • unhold()
      • startScreenShare(): Start screen share
      • stopScreenShare(): Stop screen share
  • Conference:

    • Properties:
      • id: Conference id
      • members: Conference members
      • role: Conference role: moderator/participant
    • Functions
      • sendChat(message, type = 'message'): Send a chat message to conference channel.
    • Moderator Funtions
      • listVideoLayouts()
      • setVideoLayout(layoutName)
      • kick(memberId)
      • muteMic(memberId)
      • muteCam(memberId)
      • videoFloor(memberId)
      • volumeDown(memberId)
      • volumeUp(memberId)


Please refer to examples for detailed usage.

If you need an account for running the example, please email to Call In App Team.

TypeScript support: Currently the SDK does not support TypeScript. We'll add it soon.

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