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1.1.0 • Public • Published


  • Scan codes using a smartphone camera or webcam.


Checkout the Demo.


yarn add @caprado/react-barcode-scanner

npm install @caprado/react-barcode-scanner


import { Scanner } from "@caprado/react-barcode-scanner";

const App = () => {
  return (
      onResult={(text, result) => console.log(text, result)}
      onError={(error) => console.log(error?.message)}
  • You can also import useContinuousScanner hook and implement your own UI.
  • There is also a hook to get the available devices useDeviceList.

Supported Formats

  • This library uses the zxing-js to decode the scanned codes.
1D product 1D industrial 2D
UPC-A Code 39 QR Code
UPC-E Code 93 Data Matrix
EAN-8 Code 128 Aztec
EAN-13 Codabar PDF 417


  • Due to browser implementations the camera can only be accessed over https or localhost.
  • Beep sound in iOS will only work after user interaction.
  • Server side rendering won't work so only require the component when rendering in a browser environment.


Property Type Description Required
onResult (text: string, result: Result) => void Callback function that is called with the scanned text and result. Yes
onError (error: Error) => void Optional callback function that is called when an error occurs. No
enabled boolean Optional flag to enable or disable the scanner. No
styles IScannerStyles Optional styles to apply to the scanner and its components. No
options IScannerOptions Optional configuration options for the browser scanner. No
components IScannerComponents Optional components to include or exclude in the scanner. No

Error Interface

Property Type Description
name string The name of the error.
message string The error message.
stack string Optional stack trace of the error.

IScannerStyles Interface

Property Type Description Required
container CSSProperties Optional styles for the scanner container. No
video CSSProperties Optional styles for the video element. No
finderBorder number Optional border size for the finder. No

IScannerOptions Interface

Property Type Description Required Default
deviceId string Optional ID of the device to use for scanning. No undefined
hints Map<DecodeHintType, any> Optional hints to fine-tune scanning. No undefined
constraints DecodeHintType Optional constraints for the media track. No {...}
delayBetweenScanSuccess number Optional delay between successful scans. No 500
delayBetweenScanAttempts number Optional delay between scan attempts. No 500
tryPlayVideoTimeout number Optional timeout for trying to play the video. No 500

IScannerComponents Interface

Property Type Description Required Default
audio boolean Optional inclusion of an audio component. No true
torch boolean Optional inclusion of a torch component. No true
count boolean Optional inclusion of a count component. No false
onOff boolean Optional inclusion of an on/off component. No false
tracker boolean Optional inclusion of a tracker component. No false




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  • caprado