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1.0.4 • Public • Published

Front End Development Toolbox


fe-toolbox is a collection of utility functions that might be useful in Front End development


npm i --save @charliefan/fe-toolbox


yarn add @charliefan/fe-toolbox

import into js file:

import * as feToolbox from '@charliefan/fe-toolbox';



Cookie Tool

Get cookie value from cookie:

import { getCookieItem } from '@charliefan/fe-toolbox';

// if there is 'mykey=123' in cookie, this will return 123 from cookie
const myKeyValue = getCookieItem('mykey');

localStorage Tool

  1. set item in localStorage:

storageTool.setItem(key: string, data: any, expiredIn: number, startAt?: number):void

expiredIn and startAt are unix time in miliseconds

import { storageTool } from '@charliefan/fe-toolbox';

// 1. set item in localStorage without expiration
storageTool.setItem('myData', { a: '1', b: '2'});

// 2. set item in localStorage expired in 1 minutes
storageTool.setItem('myData', { a: '1', b: '2'}, 60000);

// 3. set item in localStorage expired in 1 minutes at given start
storageTool.setItem('myData', { a: '1', b: '2'}, 60000, new Date().getTime();
  1. get item from localStorage:

storageTool.getItem(key: string): any

return null if data does not exists or data is expired

import { storageTool } from '@charliefan/fe-toolbox';

const retrievedData = storageTool.getItem('my-key');
  1. remove item from localStorage:

storageTool.removeItem(key: string): void

exact same with localStorage.removeItem

  1. remove all items from localStorage:


exact same with localStorage.clear()

String Tool

  1. stringhighlighter is the function that can match string in an origin string and highlight it with <b> tag

stringhighlighter(keywords: string, orgin: string,):string

import { stringhighlighter } from '@charliefan/fe-toolbox';

const highlighted = stringhighlighter('777 Bay', '777 Bay street, Toronto, ON');

// will return '<b>777 Bay</b> street, Toronto, ON'
  1. numberStringFormat is a function to format number into a string as required. For example, to format a number into a currency number string

numberStringFormat(numberSrc: string | number, bit = 0, sign = ',', gapNum = 3): string

digits (optional) The number of digits to appear after the decimal point

sign (optional) default is ',' seperator symbol e.g thousand seperator

gapnum (optioal) default is 3, the number of digits where the sign appear after.

import { numberStringFormat } from '@charliefan/fe-toolbox';

const price = numberStringFormat(64999);

// price -> '64,999'

const productNum = numberStringFormat(123123123433, 0, '-', 4);

// productNum -> '1231-2312-3433'

numberFormat(numberSrc: string | number, bit = 0, sign = ',', gapNum = 3): string

Array Tool

listItemSelector is a function that get selected items list by given target and current selected list;

    target: string | number,
    selectedList: Array<string | number>,
    defaultValue: string | number = '',
    isDefaultValueExcludable = false
): Array<string | number>

For example:

arrayItemPicker(1, [1,2,3]) will return [2,3] arrayItemPicker(3, [1,2]) will return [1,2,3]

import { listItemSelector } from '@charliefan/fe-toolbox';

const checkedItems = listItemSelector(3, [1,2]);
// checkedItems will be [1,2,3]

// if default value is provided, then it will return an array that contains a default value

const checkedItems2 = listItemSelector(1, [1], 1);
// checkedItems2 will be [1]

// if isDefaultValueExcludable is true, then if the target selected default value, then the array will exclude other values except default value:

const checkedItems3 = listItemSelector(1, [2,3,4], 1, true);
// checkedItems3 will be [1]

flatDeep is a function to flat an array

flatDeep(arr: Array<T>, depth: number): Array<T>

depth is the depth of the array, it can also be infinite:

import { flatDeep } from '@charliefan/fe-toolbox';

const flattenArray = flatDeep([1,[2,3], 4], 1);

// flattenArray will be [1,2,3,4]

const flattenArray2 = flatDeep([1,[2,3], 4, [5, [6,7]]], 1);
// flattenArray2 will be [1,2,3,4,5,6,7]



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