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0.1.51 • Public • Published


An element providing Claude Bernard's latest news about health.


See the full documentation for Lit at docs.claudebernard.fr.

You can play with a full demo.


npm install --save @claudebernard/news-element



Import as ES modules in the app.module.ts file.

import '@claudebernard/news-element';

In the html file that will use the custom element :

<bcb-news [hideHeader]="true" (onNewsClicked)="handleClick($event)"></bcb-news>

To test click event :

handleClick(news) {


Import as ES modules in the App.vue file.

import '@claudebernard/news-element';

In the html file that will use the custom element :

<bcb-news id="bcb-news" :hideHeader="true"></bcb-news>

To paste in App.vue or in the file that will use the custom element :

<script setup lang="ts">
import { onMounted } from 'vue'

const handleClick = (event) => {

// To test click event :

onMounted(() => {
  const el = document.getElementById('bcb-news');
  el.addEventListener('onNewsClicked', (e) => {


Import as ES modules in the App.tsx file. Don't forget to do 'npm install' after importing '@lit-labs/react'.

import {BcbNews} from '@claudebernard/news-element';
import {createComponent} from '@lit-labs/react';
import React, { useState } from 'react'

To paste in App.tsx file or in the file that will use the custom element :

export const BcbNewsReact = createComponent({
  react: React,
  tagName: 'bcb-news',
  elementClass: BcbNews, 
  events: {
    onNewsClicked: 'onNewsClicked'

To paste in the return part of the .tsx file :

<BcbNewsReact hideHeader={true} onNewsClicked={(news) => handleClick(news)}></BcbNewsReact>

To test click event :

const handleClick = (news) => {

Vanilla JS :

Import as ES modules in the App.js file.

import '@claudebernard/news-element';

To paste in the html part of the file that will use the custom element :

<bcb-news id="bcb-news" hideHeader></bcb-news>

To test click event :

let bcbNewsComponent = document.getElementById('bcb-news');
bcbNewsComponent.addEventListener('onNewsClicked', function(event) {


Name Type Default Description
url string `` The URL to call the Claude Bernard API.
productCode string `` To use if you want to display all the news for a specific product.
newsCount number 5 The number of news to display.
newsSubject string 0 To display all the news whose have the type present in the list.
viewMode string carousel The style of the custom element, "static" is the other possible value.
imageReverse boolean false The position of the picture. Default left, right if true.
hideNewsType boolean false To display or not the type of the news.
dateFormat string DD/MM/YYYY The date format to use.
hideHeader boolean false To display or not a header above the custom element.
showImage boolean false To display or not the image associated to the custom element.
hideMoreLabel boolean false To display or not the text to redirect to another page.
hideLabNews boolean false To display or not the news with laboratory type.
labNewsCount number 1 The number of laboratory news to display. Only is hideLabNews is false.
navigation `` `` Coming soon.


Name Description
onNewsClicked The action to be done when clicking on the custom element.

Browser support

Browsers without native custom element support require a polyfill.

  • [*] Chrome
  • [*] Firefox
  • [*] Safari
  • [*] Microsoft Edge

Custom element checklist

  • [] Public documentation (docs portal)
  • [*] Functional on Angular, React, Vue
  • [] Unit tested
  • [] Code quality
  • [] Changelog with semantic release
  • [] Available in offline mode
  • [] Best practices compliant
  • [] Validated by QA
  • [] Publicly available
  • [] Based on FHIR
  • [] Example on storybook
  • [] Available demo
  • [] i18n
  • [] Browser support section
  • [] EOL section


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Copyright of Cegedim. See LICENSE for details.

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